Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Request for Demolition Documentation & Benches

Good Morning Mr. Billups,

Thank you for your offer to assist me if I had additional questions, I have several. I was at Brook Run on Sunday and noticed that one bench was finally installed around the great lawn at the front of the park (away from the actual playground) & there appeared to be two others planed in that same area since there were templates laid out on two other concrete slabs. I also noticed one picnic table in the front shelter and another near a shelter on the playground, thank you for those. I take it that installation is moving slow on these items and was wondering exactly how many benches were purchased for the playground so that parents can watch their children? From what I could tell, on most weekends there are parents standing everywhere and there should be enough seating so that the rock walls are not further damaged. If only several benches are installed on the concrete pads away from the actual swings & slides, the seating on the playground will still be woefully inadequate. Please let me know how many benches have been ordered for parents to sit near the various swing sets & slides. I have again included my PowerPoint presentation which clearly identifies locations as where benches could possibly be placed in the playground, at the back entrance near the parking lot, as well as several near the restrooms.


In your letter below, you also mentioned that the demolition contract was being finalized for the hospital & I noted that it was awarded to Dore & Associates on January 23rd therefore I would have expected that the demolition would have begun already? My constituents & I am very interested in seeing that these buildings are properly removed as fast as possible and that it be done properly, therefore I would like to request a full copy of RFP 06-100027 “DEMOLITION OF DESIGNATED STRUCTURES AT BROOK RUN PARK” any and all addendums, maps and literature, as well as a copy of Dore’s bid proposal. If there are any other contractual agreements, demolition plans or statements of work, I would also like to obtain these copies as well. I am hoping that the terms of the “site restoration” is fully documented so as to return as much of the property to green space as possible.

If there are any fees in order to obtain all documents related to the demolition & restoration of these buildings, my association would be willing to pay the replication costs.

Thanks in Advance,

John Heneghan, President
Dunwoody North Civic Association

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