Monday, July 16, 2007

Accounting of 11.5 Million, Shade/Benches, Speed

Dear Mr. Billups,

I attended the DeKalb Park’s meeting of July 12th at the Mason Mill Recreation Center and I enjoyed my conversations with you & Commissioners Gannon and Rader. I will not be able to attend this evenings meeting at the Lynwood Recreation Center but a number of my residents will be in attendance. Since there was no time allotted for public comment aside from the charrette process; I presented you with a written copy of my planned remarks discussing four concerns that I have regarding Brook Run Park.

I also asked yourself & the EDAW representative if it would be possible to obtain an electronic version of the complete 50+ page color document created by EDAW outlining the Masterplan for Brook Run? If it is, I will immediately digitize the document (if not already in that state) and then post it on my web page dedicated to Brook Run.

Below & attached are my comments & concerns, each of which I would like you to officially acknowledge.

Thank you,

John Heneghan
Dunwoody North Civic Association

Tonight's meeting was set to engage citizens to develop a new vision and framework to improve DeKalb’s parks and recreation system. I am here tonight to emphasize that my Dunwoody community has voiced many concerns to the Parks Department regarding the operation of Brook Run Park and we are thankful that the Board of Commissioners & the Parks Department are taking steps in the right direction regarding the future operation of the park.

Tonight I am here to publicly stress four points regarding Brook Run.

During the last Parks bond referendum push County officials publicized that $11.5 million dollars were to be earmarked for Brook Run Park and that if the referendum were passed; the County would hold a special charrette type meeting at Brook Run Park to determine the order that the Master plan would be developed. This promised meeting has yet to happen & I look forward to it taking place at some point in the near future. Prior to that meeting taking place, I would hope that he county would be able to provide the community a complete accounting of the expenditures and the balance of the $11.5 million dollars available for future development of the master plan.

2. We are looking forward to the reasonable operation of the skate park and the promised reforestation along Peeler as proposed by Commissioner Elaine Boyer.

3. In the June 19th edition of the Dunwoody Crier, Mr. Billups is quoted as stating that plans are being made for more benches and for shade awnings to be installed at the Children's Adventure Playground & I am hear tonight to officially confirm that quote & ask if a timeline might be available for these improvements?

Finally, I am requesting that Speed Limit Signs be posted through out the park, with a maximum speed of no greater then 20 mph by county law. At the moment there are none.

Thank you for the allowing me the opportunity to raise these issues.

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