Thursday, November 15, 2007

Rob Maxwell of Dunwoody North chosen as 2007 Dunwoody Dad of the Year.

When circumstances caused Rob to become a stay-at-home dad almost 8 years ago, he did not know what he was getting in to. He thought it would be a piece of cake. Eight years and 3 kids later he now knows better. All three of the Maxwell children attend Chesnut Charter Elementary where Rob has served as a room parent for the last two years, he volunteers in the kids classrooms, and has become a regular figure at the school. Having a dad around (amid all those moms) provides as a great role model. He can’t walk through the cafeteria during lunch time without several kids high-fiving him or calling out “Hi Mr. Maxwell” or “Hey Mr. Evan’s Dad”. Rob also fulfills the traditional stay-at-home role at home. He shuttles kids to school, soccer, play dates, helps kids with homework and he even cooks. He may not be the traditional Dunwoody stay-at-home spouse, but he is learning how to fit in with the other moms, and has even found a few other stay-at-home dads along the way.

Rob will be honored at this Sundays, Light Up Dunwoody Celebration.

Congratulations Rob !!!


  1. Yeah Rob! But we already knew you were the #1 dad. -Your Sis-in-law

  2. Congratulations Rob! You definitely deserve it. You are a great Dad, and you have wonderful kids!
