Friday, March 28, 2008

Parting gift to Dunwoody from Vernon Jones - Bond Referendum on July 15th

On July 15th, residents of Dunwoody will be voting to sever a number of ties from DeKalb County, including the counties police services. This afternoon CEO Vernon Jones stated that he is going to recommend a bond referendum for a new DeKalb police academy also be held on the same day. Since all DeKalb cities could opt out of the referendum and Dunwoody will not yet be a city; the new City of Dunwoody slated to start on December 1st would still have to pay the bond.


  1. CEO Jones and various commissioners have praised the DeKalb Police Academy as being one of the best in the country. Why do we need a new one?

  2. Because issuing a bond means Vernon gets to hand his bond issuing buddies another present. And his contractor buddies will get to build it. Hello Snate campaign contributions.

    He's brillaint. A scumbag, but brilliant.
