Saturday, April 19, 2008

City Operations, Task Force Kickoff meeting for the future City of Dunwoody. Monday 7 pm

The Citizens for Dunwoody Committee knows that the community contains technical experts and people who are passionate about various subject matters related to creating a city. We could use your help.

City Operations
Task Forces Kickoff

Dunwoody United Methodist Church
Monday, April 21st
7:00 p.m.

Citizens for Dunwoody will hold an organizational meeting to establish operational task forces to begin outlining the needs of the new city. Anyone interested in volunteering to serve on a task force should attend. Task forces will help define the necessary level of services in the following areas:

* Police
* Parks and Recreation
* Admin/Finance
* Information Technology
* Code Enforcement, Permits, Inspections
* Roads, Sidewalks, Drainage, Stormwater
* Courts
* Ordinances
* Zoning/Planning
* Human Resources

The meeting will take place at Dunwoody United Methodist Church at 7:00 pm. Task Force Chairs will introduce themselves and form groups which will research and document startup tasks and service levels.

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