Monday, May 5, 2008

Dunwoody Elementary Update - May 5th School Board Work Session

This evening I attended the DeKalb County Board of Education Work Session being held at Peachtree Charter Middle School where the agenda was being finalized for the next official board meeting of May 12th. On the agenda, was item I12, Dunwoody Elementary School Attendance presented by Ms. Patricia A. Pope, Chief Operations Officer of the DCSS. I video taped this item of the agenda and have posted it to youtube as shown below.

The next time that I believe the Dunwoody community may have input on redistricting vs the 4th & 5th grade academy is at the Dunwoody Chamblee Parent Council meeting on Wednesday May 7, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. at Peachtree Charter Middle.


  1. Thanks John....this video should answer the question as to why Kingsley and Hightower were not included in the new Academy. Simply put, Kingsley is not overcrowded and Hightower has some specific needs that are better addressed within the Hightower campus rather than busing these children to another facility. I thought Ms. Littlejohn did a good job in clarifying the Kingsley/Hightower issue.

  2. If the 4/5 Academy happens, REDISTRICT ANYWAY so Kingsley won't be under capacity.I want my Kingsley children included too!
