Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Knitternall asks: What if we had to stay home?

One my favorite Dunwoody bloggers cuts to the quick regarding the gas crisis and a possible return to a simpler (yet harder) way of life.
What if the gas-driven economy truly, permanently lead to a back-to-basics, only the truly wealthy can afford to travel, eat out, etc. etc.? When my grandmother was a girl, a trip to the beach was a once-in-a-lifetime event, even though she lived just six hours away by car. The cost was just inconceivable. A family had to be able to own a car, afford time off from work, able to pay the cost of a hotel as well as meals out.
Check out Knitternall

1 comment:

  1. John, it's always a pleasure to visit your blog. Thanks for including me in your timely Dunwoody commentary!

