Monday, May 19, 2008

Police Take Home Cars / Gas Prices vs. City Housing Stipends

I have said previously that I believe that police officers should be paid enough to afford to live within, and be an integral part of, the communities they serve and protect. John's Creek offers housing stipends to it's officers who choose to live within the City and I believe it's step in the right direction in giving these officers a stake in the community as well making them available for emergency calls if the need arises.

Georgia Law prohibits public employees from being required to live within the boundaries of a municipality as a condition of employment. However, there are cities that have cleverly gone around such laws by requiring their employees to live not necessarily in the municipality, but within a certain distance of their work station.

If Dunwoody were to become a city, I'm not sure if the City Counsel would set such strict requirements on residency, but like John's Creek they may choose to offer reasonable housing benefits for those who do decide to live in the city limits.

What Dunwoody resident wouldn't want a Dunwoody Police car parked in the neighborhood from time to time and think of the huge gas savings on those take home cars.

Just an idea that was reinforced after seeing this news clip.

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