Monday, June 23, 2008

DeKalb Democratic candidates are coming to Dunwoody North on July 6th.

Meet & Greet Ellis, Gannon & Danese on July 6th.

Some of the candidates who are running in the Democratic Primary on July 15 are Burrell Ellis, for CEO, DeKalb, Kathie Gannon for Super District 6 (ours) and Larry Danese for District 1 (ours). These three will be at Bobbi Sedam's house, 4615 Stonehenge Drive on Sunday, July 6 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. for a "meet and greet the candidates". This is a chance for citizens to ask the questions that may concern them such as: Pluses and minuses for City of Dunwoody, government responsiveness, government efficiency, zoning, taxes, roads '"What have you done and what will you do for DeKalb County?" "What's your resume?"

As you know in the Primary Election on July 15 you may vote either the Republican or Democratic ticket but you can't vote in both parties. In the general election you can vote both Republican and Democratic even if you have chosen one or the other party in the Primary. The vote for City of Dunwoody will be on both Democrat and Republican ballots in the July 15th Primary. In this coming Primary Election, choice of party is important. There is no Republican opposition for the CEO spot so whoever wins in the Democratic Primary will be our next CEO.

Please come for the hour and enjoy a cool drink and interesting conversation.

Directions for 4615 Stonehenge Drive, Atlanta, 30360 in Dunwoody North should be easy to find on a Google map, or just call Bobbi at 770-986-7776 and I'll tell you how to get here.

This event posting has been requested by our neighbor Bobbi Sedam and is not being sponsored by the Dunwoody North Civic Association.

1 comment:

  1. A neighbor wrote me a lovely e-mail the other day claiming that I and the Dunwoody North Civic Association were endorsing Ellis, Gannon & Danese because of this post. Actually that is mistaken.
    This blog is a service to the community and we routinely publish events taking place in Dunwoody. In fact, if there is an event that has any connection to Dunwoody North that I haven’t already published and a resident asks me to do so, I almost always will. To date there have been 38 instances of “Neighbor Requested Posts” where I have publicized charity events, neighbor sponsored activities and even a Dunwoody North Neighbor who is running for DeKalb County Superior Court Judge.
    Do these types of blog posts imply that we endorse these events or political candidates, no it doesn’t. It just offers you the opportunity to get to know what is going on around you; therefore in the spirit of information & communication these types of posts will continue.
    If for some reason my neighbors who read this blog believe that we only support Democratic candidates, please feel free to open your home to our Republican representatives for a meet & greet and watch how fast that meeting will also be listed on this blog.
    The purpose of the Dunwoody North Civic Association shall be to devise ways and means to further community welfare and provide a vehicle to encourage fellowship in a non-partisan, non-political and non-sectarian manner and I believe the blog does that beautifully.
