Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Open Records requested on Dunwoody Academy & Womack Road

After being put off by the DeKalb County School System in obtaining answers to my questions or documents that I have been requesting for about the last month, I have finally filed open records requests regarding the new school and the possible needed traffic improvements on Womack Road.

On June 10th, I visted Ms. Pope's office and observed the school blueprints where I found nine of them worth obtaining and posting on line. I requested them on the 10th but I guess it wasn't an "official" request therefore I am asking again for these electronic documents.

Sheet Number L1.01 Landscape 1
Sheet Number L1.02 Landscape 2
Sheet Number L1.04 Landscape Details
Sheet Number A1.11 Composite First Floor
Sheet Number A1.12 Composite Second Floor
Sheet Number A1.21 Life Safety 1st Floor
Sheet Number A1.22 Life Safety 2nd Floor
Sheet Number C-06c Site Grading ½ Final
Sheet Number C-06d Site Grading 2/2 Final

I also asked both the DeKalb County School System and the DeKalb County Public Works Department for the following documents since I still have concerns over the traffic on Womack.

  1. All correspondence between the DeKalb County School System & the DeKalb County Public Works Department (including their contractors) as it relates to Womack Road in Dunwoody, GA between the dates of January 1, 2006 and June 16, 2008.

  2. All blueprints and drawings of required or suggested improvements to be made to Womack Road as it relates to an engineered traffic site plan or road, striping & signal improvements.

  3. Copies of any traffic studies or impact analysis that was conducted for this school location.
We'll see what comes back and I will update then.

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