Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rep. Millar has a few questions for Rep. Chambers in Crier Editorial

As many of you know, Representative Jill Chambers continues to raise the same old questions about a City of Dunwoody. This week she will try to rehash the legislative session at Perimeter College since the League of Women Voters and “neutral” DeKalb Chamber of Commerce will give her a microphone for her re-election campaign.

I agree that DeKalb County could always bring a lawsuit against the State of Georgia on HB264 (HOST Bill that Chambers voted for). However, why would DeKalb County want to prevent the Perimeter CID (business community) from receiving $1 million to $1.5 million for transportation improvements which is one of the primary purposes of the bill? A large portion of the Perimeter CID will remain in unincorporated DeKalb (inside I-285 where major expansion is planned). Finally, DeKalb County will continue to receive all of the sales tax revenue and at least 90 percent of the property tax revenue from business properties located within the city of Dunwoody. If the commissioners have any sense, they will not take any legal action and to date they have not.

After two years, I have some questions that Representative Chambers needs to answer:

Why did you sponsor legislation allowing people in unincorporated DeKalb to become part of the city of Doraville ($200,000 anticipated deficit) and yet you are opposed to people in Dunwoody voting to become a city with a possible surplus? UGA did both fiscal studies. We both know Representative Watson (DeKalb delegation chair) kept his word to me and let the Doraville bill go forward.

Why didn’t you draft the annexation bill for all of Huntley Hills to become part of the city of Chamblee when you said you would?

Since you represent Doraville and Chamblee and both cities passed resolutions supporting the Dunwoody incorporation, why are you opposed?

Isn’t it true that you and your seatmate are the only Republicans to vote against the legislation which allowed people to vote on incorporation in Dunwoody (98-2)?

How did you know Roy Barnes was hired by Vernon Jones for a potential lawsuit and yet none of the Commissioners were aware of this action?

Isn’t it true that over the years your campaign donors include CEO Vernon Jones, Richard Stogner (Vernon’s Executive Assistant), former MARTA head Ed Wall (Vernon Senate supporter) and HJ Russell & Company (big Vernon supporter)? I was also one of the donors, but never again.

Anyone can vote for or against the creation of the City of Dunwoody. I have no problem with opposing viewpoints. When I see an elected official trying to create a re-election issue or carrying someone else’s water, then it needs to be exposed. This is particularly true when this elected official cloaks him or herself in the mantle of transparency and open government.

Further, factual information can be obtained June 19 at the next forum at Dunwoody Methodist. I urge everyone to get informed and vote July 15.

State Rep. Fran Millar

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Chambers submitted a letter to the editor of the Dunwoody Crier answering Rep. Millar's questions.
