Friday, July 18, 2008

Robert Wittenstein announces candidacy for newly formed Dunwoody City Council

Robert & Susan Wittenstein, with sons Eric and Adam

Longtime Dunwoody resident and activist Robert Wittenstein today officially announced his candidacy for the newly created Dunwoody City Council.

“I’m excited and honored to officially announce my candidacy,” Wittenstein said today. “As a longtime member of this community, and someone who has long believed Dunwoody families deserved a stronger voice in their own community, I’m extremely excited about what this means for our community. I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work.”

Wittenstein, a director for a major healthcare information technology company, and his wife Susan have lived in Dunwoody for 21 years and are raising their two sons Eric and Adam here.

For more information contact:
Wittenstein for Dunwoody City Council


  1. CEO Elect Ellis backs Wittenstein for Dunwoody

    "I've been very impressed with Robert Wittenstein's knowledge, his willingness to listen, and his ability to bring a calm and reasoned approach to difficult situations," Ellis said in a statement released by Wittenstein. "I am confident," Ellis added, "that he and I can work together for the betterment of DeKalb and Dunwoody."

  2. Good for you Robbie. I always knew you'd end up in politics somewhere.
