Monday, August 4, 2008

Still looking for School Plans and worried about traffic on Womack.

School Site Traffic Plan

Dear Ms. Pope & Mr. Davis,

When I started this quest for the electronic drawings of the 4th & 5th Grade Academy on Womack back in June, the residents on Windhaven Court had trees behind their homes and construction of the new school was just an item scheduled in the future. Now the site has been cleared, construction is under way and the residents (as well as the community) still have many questions regarding the project; therefore I am again requesting the electronic versions of the drawings requested previously which are now approved or their updated versions.

Also based on your ORRII reply concerning Womack Rd, it showed that there was no coordination between the DeKalb County School System and the DeKalb County Government as to how the traffic flow chosen for the site would affect the local traffic flow of Womack Road. Due to your response and that of the County, I contacted Mr. John Gurbal of DeKalb County Public Works who finally is now looking into the capability of Womack Road being able to adequately handle the ingress & egress of the schools traffic impact. Hopefully the DCSS, the County and the Citizens of the new City of Dunwoody can all work together to make this school a success while limiting the impact on the neighbors as much as possible.

I look forward to obtaining the electronic drawings so that I can immediately post them on my site so that the Citizens of Dunwoody can see where our children will be going to school next year. Thank you & I look forward to working closely with the PTA & Principle of the School as soon as they are named.


John Heneghan
President of the Dunwoody North Civic Association
Candidate for the Dunwoody City Council
Dunwoody Academy Parent 2009-2012

Aug 3 open records request for electronic drawings

June 16 open records request for Womack Documentation

Three DCSS replies to open records request
(OOR I, after being told in person I could get the electronic; they changed their mind.)
(OOR II, no documents regarding Womack)
(OOR III, electronic drawing below not available in their office.)

Example of Electronic Drawing C-05c which existed previously.


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