Wednesday, September 17, 2008

John Heneghan & Tom Taylor interviewed following election to Dunwoody City Council.

Fox5 news clip taken as the candidates met at the Historic Dunwoody Farmhouse to watch the election returns.


  1. Congratulations, John! I am delighted to have you on our first-ever City Council. Thanks for stepping up and for taking the high road throughout your campaign.

  2. Congratulations John ! You may not have had the most yard signs but this election is proof that your hard work on behalf of Dunwoody has been noted and recognized. Congratulations on your election to our first City Council.

    Mark & Marcia Hauler

  3. Congratulations John!!! You are an example of how to run and honest and positive campaign. You are a wonderful example for your children and our community.

    You and the other City of Dunwoody officials have a tough job ahead of you. Best of luck to all of you.

    Now, about that single service contract with CH2M.......

  4. Congrats. Here's to transparency of government and a no nonsense approach. Looking forward to your continued diligence and flow of info.

  5. John,

    Congratulations!! Dunwoody got it Right !! Now as an old boss of mine once said.."make a decision and then make it right." Let me know if I can helpin any way.

    Dick Derrick
