Friday, October 31, 2008

Community collaboration allows major changes to Dunwoody Alcohol Ordinance

2 a.m. - Proposed Last Call for Alcohol

After four revisions to the Dunwoody Alcohol Ordinance which was being piecing together various aspects of DeKalb and other cities laws, it was shown at Monday's City Council meeting that a little more work was needed to polish the document. The Mayor formed a joint committee of representatives of the residential and business communities to come together with the city council and our city attorney to go line by line create a document which will be mutually beneficial to all involved.

Councilman Danny Ross chaired the committee and appears to have brokered an agreement within the community which will modify the pouring hours from the current 4:00 am to a 2:00 am last call, drinks must be cleared from tables by 2:30 am, but doors can remain open. The latest draft of the document is being circulated for comments & revisions, and will then be presented to the city council on Monday for possible approval.

Congratulations to Mayor Wright & Councilman Ross for showing with actions and not just words that the City of Dunwoody will live up to its mission statement.
The mission of the City of Dunwoody is to provide the highest quality of life for those who live, work or play in our community and to foster an environment where business can prosper. We will serve all stakeholders in a transparent manner with resourceful, efficient, progressive and professional leadership.
The latest revision of the Alcohol Ordinance is here but I know that it is still being reviewed and refined by all interested parties for an acceptable win / win situation that both the business community and the residents can live with. The city council will obtain the final revision about 24 hours prior to the meeting and I believe it will be up for a vote at Monday's meeting.


  1. Yea!! Good to hear common sense has prevailed on this issue.

  2. This sounds a lot like "footloose". A little bit of personal freedom and business freedom will come to an end in Dunwoody on Monday night.

    A lobster will not try to jump out of water if it heated slowly, only when it is boiling. I guess this will happen to us to.

    P.S. Nothing is more annoying that not being able to get a beer at lunch on Sunday. Noon would be a better time than 12:30.
