Friday, October 17, 2008

It is all about the abilty to comment and respond to others.

It has been a slow Dunwoody news day and I'm wiped out from working on various City related projects in my "spare time", therefore I'll keep it very short this evening.

Blogging allows me the ability spread information and my thoughts on various topics but I am only one person. On a typical day close to 1,000 people visit this page to see what I posted and another 150 receive the information delivered in an automated e-mail. That being said, there is a very small percentage of my readers who comment on a normal basis and in case you haven't been reading what they have had to say, you should. Some are informative, insightful, some are slightly controversial and once in a great while there is even an inflammatory comment but I make a point to read each and every one. I may not always reply to them, but I will admit that the comments do affect the way I think on various topics.

In the last day or so two anonymous commenters have had an on going conversation regarding the history of the new 4th & 5th Grade Elementary School, and the civil debate was a healthy expression of frustration on both sides being vented.

In order to assist more readers in following the comments posted to this blog, I have added a comments feed available in the bar to the right or the link below will also work.

To my regular commenters (themommy, DunwoodyParent, Ilovemykids, Thaddeus Osbourne Dabell, joggerdavew, Worth, SteveBarton, Kelly Spratling, dunwoodydad, Ellen Fix, Charles, Bob Fiscella, Jogger, Heyward, Dunwoodyinfoguy, Kim Gokce, Knitternall, ilene gormly, rick, Trackboy1, paula, pattie, Sara, Gil & donna), thank you for sharing your thoughts.



  1. No John, Thank You. Appreciate your efforts on this blog. Do you not have enough to do? Lots of topics and commentary. Its Great! Thanks again.

  2. Back atcha, John. You do realize, don't you, that I keep telling everyone that "John's on it" when they mention to me something they want improved in Dunwoody?!

    Seriously, of course, it takes a village (or soon-to-be-city) and I'm very grateful that we are all getting to know each other a bit better, and working together a bit more.

  3. Thanks so much John for keeping us informed. A city, and community, cannot function in "secrecy" as is so aptly portrayed in the current Dekalb County government. Hopefully, we do not see this secrecy and cronyism with the city of Dunwoody leaders, though some early indications are troubling in this area. Also, as we are still citizens of Dekalb County, here is hoping that the next CEO cares more about Dekalb County than his own personal agenda. From what I've seen of Burrell Ellis in the BOC meetings, I'm hopeful.
