Wednesday, October 15, 2008

What affects 1.5% of families, 3.6% of the population, 2.4% of children and 5.2% of the seniors in Dunwoody?

Poverty. Are you surprised?

Those were the statistics from the the 2000 census as shown on the Dunwoody wikipedia page and if you think that in this time of economic crisis that those statistics don't still hold true still to this day; your probably kidding yourself.

"Poverty" is defined at as "the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor; indigence." Other definitions I read included the deprivation of opportunities to learn, to obtain better employment to escape poverty, and/or to enjoy the respect of fellow citizens.

When someone in the United States talks about poverty, they mostly refer to it or think about it as a condition that exists only in some remote 3rd world, under-developed section of the society. So not true. America and yes even Dunwoody, has it’s share of poverty and then there are countless others who are stretching every dollar, struggling to make ends meet and happy enough to just be living paycheck-to-paycheck.

But what happens when a job is lost and the choice is between food, medicine or the mortgage? Where can someone in Dunwoody go for assistance? The research that I have done only points to one location and that is the...
Community Action Center
1130 Hightower Trail
Sandy Springs, GA 30350
770-552-4889 (business number)
770-552-4015 (Helpline)

The CAC is currently serving over 400 families per month from their food pantry and are always in need of food contributions since their client base grows as the country's financial condition deteriorates. They also provide financial assistance to pre qualified clients to help them get through temporary setbacks in their lives.

CAC accepts donations of clothing, toys, small appliances, miscellaneous household items, etc. from the public. The best of the of these donations are sold in their thrift shop with the proceeds used to support our other public service initiatives. The rest of the donations are given to their clients or to other service organizations in the area. CAC is also in the education business teaching English and computer classes.

Shouldn't Dunwoody residents help other Dunwoody residents who are in need? When I review the list of community organizations who help the CAC, it appears that the Dunwoody community is under represented and that we could do better. Do you belong to an organization that could sponsor the Community Action Center and provide a little assistance? If so, please look into it.

Do you have the financial means to make a cash donation and want to do so right now? If so please click here to donate via a credit card. If you would like to drop off canned foods or visit the thrift store, they would welcome any assistance that you could provide.

I for my part have raised the issue to make you aware and the now for every comment left on this post before Midnight of October 15th I will donate a can of food to the Community Action Center, up to 50 cans. It doesn't take anything on your part except 5 seconds to tell me how you too might be able assist your community. Thanks.


  1. My church regularly donates food to the CAC. It's an important and worthy organization, especially in these economic times. I encourage all of you to donate as well. Let's show everyone that the City of Dunwoody is a caring, giving population.

    John, is there a way that Dunwoody can start a food drive for CAC? Maybe hold at the farmhouse or Brook Run?

  2. My son used his own money to buy food. We're taking it over today.

  3. Add another can, John. I'll go through the cabinets today as well.

  4. Congratulations on your election, Councilor Heneghan.

    I wish I had known about this organization late last year. Over the years, I have sought out those in need of assistance and given it. When I ran short of resources, I could not find any and I somehow missed the CAC. I will be sure to remember them for donation, and assistance to those in need.

    I was much moved by your post regarding the murder at the Northchase Apartments. I have spent much time there assisting over the past year and feared it was only a matter of time before such a tragedy occurred. Despite having studied the proposed boundary maps, I failed to realize until your post that the west side of that stretch of Peachtree Industrial Boulevard was part of the incipient city of Dunwoody. Given that, I find the poverty figures you cite quite believable.

    Despite my verbosity, I lack the words to express my appreciation for your blog, continued openness after election, and the great store of information you make available to us. Thank you.

  5. The Saint Vincent dePaul socity at All Saints Catholic Church does similar work. It donates food, clothing, toys, and other household items to those in need. It also operates a thrift store. Once per month a second collection is taken at Mass for the society. This money is used to help make rental payments, utility payments, and the like, for those in need. One does not have to be Catholic to receive help from this organization.

  6. For my wife's 50th all guests were requested to bring non-perishable food for a donation to the SVdP food bank. It made a great celebration even better. SVdP consistently ranks high on percentage of donations that reach the needy and they provide educational programs that help folks help themselves. One does not have to be Catholic to help this organization either.

  7. It is what makes Dunwoody a special place, that so many people do care and do so much.
    Those who give know who they are and do so without looking for attention or thanks. It is reaching out to the others, the ones that think about it but never get around to doing it.
    Can you imagine how much food we could gather if ever home and apartment gave 5 cans, $5 dollars,
    or 5 hours of service?

    we do so much yet there is so much more we can do

    Thanks to all of you who do it.
