Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dunwoody Dec 8th - Police Chief / Police Management Structure, Zoning, Land Use and Sexually Orientated Businesses.

The rather long agenda for the Monday December 8th, Dunwoody City Council meeting is linked below but please allow me to list the items of interest as I see them. Agenda & relevant document folder.
Monday Dec 8, 2008 @ 7 p.m.
Dunwoody United Methodist Church
1548 Mount Vernon Road

At the top of the agenda is public comment and all residents and business owners are encouraged to tell the City Council what is on their mind. The City Council meetings have been averaging about 40 to 50 people per night and it seems that the same 5 citizens come to the podium every week to speak. I am very appreciative of those who come and voice their concerns but I would also love to see more people take advantage of this opportunity to make their issues known.

The City Manager has informed us that he will be giving an update on City Implementation.

There will be an introduction of the Chief of Police, William “Billy” Grogan as well as the authorization of the police departments management structure (Deputy Chief, 3 Lieutenants & an Executive Assistant, as well as their pay scales).

I believe the only second read on the agenda that hasn't been completely vetted was the Georgia Power franchise fee and that is rather straight forward.

There will be first reads on the following ordinances, with no discussion until the following meeting.
Earlier in the week the City went out with an RFQ for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.

There will also be a reminder at the end of the meeting that we will be having a special called public hearing on December 18th for adopting the Dunwoody Zoning Ordinance and the Dunwoody Sign Ordinance.

Because of the public hearings on the 18th the meeting scheduled for December 15th will probably be canceled, but then again the Council may want to have a work session to hammer out the many first read ordinances that they are receiving at this meeting?


  1. Here's my concern.

    "Orientated" is not an English word. However, "Oriented" is English.

    You are excused.

    However as an aside, this proves why making English an official language by law is a joke. These kinds of errors would be a violation of law and therefore land huge portions of the population behind bars.

    Hey, wait a minute -- on second thought...

  2. How can the proposed Building Codes = Chapter 7 ordinance require both the ICC codes and the Standard Codes???? The Standards Codes were replaced by the ICC codes. And how many people will die from poison, electrocution, and fire if repairs of less than $5,000 do not require a permit or inspection? Any plumbing, electrical, structural, HVAC, gas work should be inspected. On the other hand, the decks that fell in DeKalb County would be values at less than $5,000 and they were inspected.
