Friday, February 20, 2009

Agenda for Monday's City Council Meeting

Dunwoody United Methodist Church
1548 Mt. Vernon Road
Dunwoody, GA 30338

Monday Feb 23rd
7:00 p.m.

Agenda for Council Meeting 2/23/09

City Council Meeting Minutes 01/26/09

City Council Wok Session Minutes 2/09/09

Ordinance for Right-of-Way Exchange

Ordinance Amending Chapter 23

Resolution Establishing Street Light District on Boxwood

Resolution Approving Memorandum of Understanding

Contact to Retain POND & Co

Ordinance to Adopt Chapter 20 Public Assemblages

Ordinance to Grant Atlanta Gas Light Franchise Agreement

Ordinance to Grant Comcast Franchise Agreement

Financial Report for January 2009

Ordinance to amend the Fiscal Yea 2009 Budget

Resolution to Adopt Purchasing Policy

Initiate Amendment for Farmers Market

GMA Supplemental Lease


  1. Can we see a definition of a Farmer's Market? Does the state Dept of Ag restrict items sold at a Farmer's market?

    Will it include live chickens, rabbits, and goats?

    Is the intent to set up at a church to avoid taxes?

    Will the vendors collect and pay a local sales tax?

    Will each vendor need a business license from the city? Or is the intent to have one blanket license for the entire operation?

    What affect will a Farmer's Market have on local, loyal, established businesses like Publix and Fresh Market and Kroger's?

  2. Dunwoody Mom: Great questions. I think most of them are answered in the market standards, which I have posted here:

    As for the effect of farmers markets on local businesses, I found the economic impact section of this PDF enlightening (pages 1-3):

    Also, our local supermarkets carry little local food but do provide many additional items that augment what is found at the market.

  3. Hello - this is Corinna (the Chair of the Dunwoody Green Market Steering Committee). I will answer some of these questions. All further questions should be posted to Also, if you would like a copy of our Rules and Application we would be happy to furnish them. Just shoot us an email at the above address.

    For those of you who don't know - the Spruill Green Market has been in existence for 5 years, every Wednesday starting in May in the Spruill Gallery Parking lot. We are needing to move because of the construction that is to occur sometime this year. We are changing the name to the Dunwoody Green Market.

    There is no set definition of a Farmer's Market. We ARE NOT like the STATE FARMERS MARKET in any way. Our Market rules define the Dunwoody Green Market as a "Producer Only Market". That means that only farmers and vendors who actually grow and make what they sell are allowed to join and set up. It insures a market that supports your LOCAL farmers and artisans. Our rules also state that all vendors must comply will all federal, state, and local laws concerning the selling of produce and other goods. In the five years that we have been at the Spruill Gallery we have not had one negative inspection by the Georgia Dept. of Agriculture. All Vendors must sign an application stating that they have read our rules and will abide by them.

    We have never sold live animals. Occassionally we bring live animals for the public to interact with. Case in point, my daughter's diaper wearing duck and goose. If you haven't met Cutie or Poppy you need to come for a visit. You can read more about them at Pattie Baker's Blog FoodShedPlanet.

    The intent of setting up at church is a happy coincidence. We put the word out last fall and St. Patrick's was the only location to offer us a new home. The Dunwoody City Council recommmended several parking lots but after visiting them we have issues with safety, electricity, and bathroom availability.

    It is up to each Vendor to deal with taxes.

    Traditionally in the state of Georgia, farmers are not required to hold a business license to sell their produce. Other vendors would need to be licensed in their home county. The application the Vendors and Farmers sign addresses this issue.

    We will not be located near a Grocery Store and in the past 5 years have not had a conflict of interest with any of the Chain Stores. Whole Foods activately supports and encourages markets to set up nearby if not in front of their store. The things you tend to find at the Farmer's Market are not what you can usually get at the Chain Stores (which although they employ local citizens are not locally owned or operated - the profits go elsewhere) - Fruits and Vegetables picked the day before and not sprayed with all kinds of chemicals and preservatives, Certified Naturally Grown Produce, Heirloom and hard to find Vegetables and herbs, fresh flowers not found in Grocery stores, Etc.

    I believe this should answer most questions. Please let me know if you have any more.

    Thank you for supporting your local farmers and artisans.
