Tuesday, February 3, 2009

This is why I want Strict Enforcement of Speed Limits in School Zones!

This is a sad, sad story that never should have happened!

I understand that accidents happen but we the residents of Dunwoody need to generally slow down when we drive around town in order to show those who do not live here that we value each others well being more than we do making good time to our next destination. There has been a breakdown in civility nationwide but we individually have the power to change that by stoping for people at crosswalks, slowing down and moving over for cyclists and finally by allowing cars to merge into traffic from side streets.

These kindnesses go hand in hand, however, with a community that values these quality-of-life issues so much that it makes, supports and enforces rules to aid in the desired outcomes, so law enforcement is a very important component of this.

Since most of Dunwoody's schools are on, or very near major thoroughfares; you better believe that I will be doing everything in my power to ensure that a strict speed limit is adhered to in Dunwoody school zones.


SUV hits, kills child in front of DeKalb school
by David Simpson & April Hunt of the AJC

Cameron Dunmore, a 7-year-old DeKalb County boy, was struck by an SUV and killed Monday morning as he walked in a crosswalk to school, despite the presence of a crossing guard with a stop sign in the crosswalk, DeKalb police said. Shirley Ogilvie, 40, was driving the SUV that struck and killed Cameron, police said. She remained at a local hospital Monday afternoon, where she was being observed after appearing distraught over the accident, said police spokeswoman Mekka Parish. Ogilvie will be charged with vehicular homicide and other offenses, Parish said. Parish said that other vehicles had stopped for the crossing guard while Cameron tried to walk across South Deshon Road, south of Stone Mountain, “but for reasons unknown the SUV driver did not stop.” Cameron was pronounced dead on the way to a hospital, Parish said. No other children were in the crosswalk. The accident happened near Princeton Elementary School about 7:30 a.m. Police believe that Ogilvie was taking her own child to a different school. Classes at Princeton Elementary were being held as normal, said DeKalb schools spokesman Dale Davis, but additional counselors were on campus to talk with students and staff.


  1. I would like to see strict enforcement of all residential (35mph and below) speed limits, but I know it isn't going to happen. We'll try, but in the end the public outcry, and lots will come from ticketed Dunwoody voters, will put an end to routine enforcement.

    We are also unlikely get traffic calming infrastructure like rumble strips, raised crosswalks, speed humps and roundabouts. Some are costly and all require super majority buy-in from affected residents and that isn't amenable to the vote scheduling workaround that guaranteed referendum success.

    That's why I like the radar speed signs. They are proven effective, provide data for targeted enforcement (and planning) and are relatively inexpensive.

  2. Thanks to Pattie for mentioning this post At Sustainable Dunwoody

    Thanks to Judy for mentioning this At Sustainable Peachtree Corners

    Related Link - Keep Kids Alive Drive 25

  3. While we don’t want our city to become a speed trap like our next door neighbor, something needs to be done about reckless, inconsiderate drivers running stop signs, talking on cell phones, and speeding. Few drivers come to a complete stop at stop signs (think Vermack Road and Vanderlyln Drive), and many drivers think Vermack Road is the local NASCAR motor speedway. Studies have now shown that talking on a cell phone, including the hands-free type, is like driving drunk. Maybe the police ought to start by issuing warnings for the first couple of months to get people to be more thoughtful drivers.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I could see this same type of tragedy occurring near some of the Dunwoody schools that are located on main "thoroughfares" - i.e.,. Womack, Vermack, N. Peachtree. Drivers act as if speed limits do not exist on these roads at times. The elementary schools do at least have crossing guards to assist the children, but the middle school and high school children are on their own. There are still people who do not understand that pedestrians in a crosswalk have the right away. I've seen several near misses in the crosswalks at DHS.

  6. It seems the only time folks aren't speeding on ChamDun between Roberts and Spalding is when there are so many drive-through commuters that traffic is at a standstill.

    As for being a "speed trap", that's hard to understand unless the police are ticketing drivers who aren't really speeding. I've never gotten an unearned ticket, and most reports of these mythical creatures don't stand up to questioning.

    I support strict enforcement of traffic laws in our residential and school zones even if some of our neighbors in Dunwoody and beyond call us a speed trap. And we could do worse than becoming known as a "Pedestrian Friendly" city.

  7. TAD, At least the MARTA bus has slowed down on your piece of road

  8. My daughter heard that a teenage girl was hit by a vehicle at intersection of Womack and Vermack near DHS a little while ago.
