Friday, March 6, 2009

Possible Huge Savings on bid for VOIP, Ethics policy change, Speeding, Hotel Taxes, Workman's Comp and don't smoke stolen dope on Marta.

Monday 7 p.m.
Dunwoody United Methodist

Recommendation for Award of Contract on Voice over Internet Telephony and Network Infrastructure. (Big Savings ($100,000 from previous bid) but at what service costs, I'll be interested in hearing the details.)

Ordinance to amend the Ethics Policy. (Allows the Dunwoody Homeowners Association Board Members to serve on City Boards.)

Ordinance to amend the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget. (Rent payment budgeted for 2009 isn't needed until 2010 and the Council is looking to move the expenditure into a Debt Reserve Fund.)

Resolution to adopt the City of Dunwoody Purchasing Policy. (Formal Purchasing Policy is being put into place as well as a credit card policy.)

Resolution Approving Supplemental Lease Agreement. (Capital build out of City Hall & Police Station requires financing instrument for $600,000 over 5 years.)

Ordinance to Amend Chapter 16: Offenses and Violations, of the City of Dunwoody Code of Ordinances. (Added a few violations: Don't Steal, Don't Smoke Dope, if you did steal someone's dope; make sure you don't smoke it on a Marta Bus.)

Resolution establishing a Georgia Fund 1 account for Hotel/Motel tax. (Hotel taxes need to be spent on specific things and we are walling off these funds into a separate account.)

Recommendation for Worker’s Compensation Insurance Package. (Required package which was shopped by a number of vendors.)

Resolution to approve the use of speed detection devices by its law enforcement officials. (Don't speed in Dunwoody, if you have a tendency to speed be forewarned that April 1st is coming up fast.)
03092009_Amend Chapter 16, Offenses and Violations.pdf
03092009_Amend Fiscal Year 2009 Budget.pdf
03092009_Approve Use of Speed Detection Devices.pdf
03092009_Award of VoIP and Network Infrastructure Contract.pdf
03092009_Chapter 9 - Ethics.pdf
03092009_City of Dunwoody Purchasing Policy.pdf
03092009_Establishing a Georgia Fund1 Account.pdf
03092009_Proclamation for Alexandra Borowsky Day.pdf
03092009_Supplemental Lease Agreement.pdf
03092009_Worker's Compensation Package.pdf


  1. It will we with great excitement and some amount of reservation that the citizens of Dunwoody see a police force on the streets. How will people react? Will Dunwoody become a speed trap? We already being warned! Will the citizens hold these officers to the same standards as they expect of us?

  2. John,
    Can you or someone with the city explain what a Debt Reserve Fund is, how it operates and how the city uses it. It would also be nice to see a diagram showing fund/account linkages and flows (what one might do with Quicken & Co). I would like to see what debt, short and long term, we have/will incur, how it will be repaid, what reserves might be required in which funds...sort of a money road map. I don't mean to ask for too much, but could this be posted on the city's web site?


  3. I understand it this way, the Debt Reserve Fund is earmarking specific fund amounts to pay debt which is occurring this fiscal year but does not have to be paid until next fiscal year. The reason this is done is so when the fiscal year is over the fund balances in those accounts will not be automatically converted back to the general fund where they can be spent. They are held in reserve to pay the note on a loan and can't be spent on other items.

    The start up costs for the city are being spread over a number of years and it was discussed at the last meeting that our current debt load for next year is about 6% of our total revenue which I am told is well within our limits.

    As far as your request as to the financial linkages and improved data; I post everything I get and I am told that our site will be improved to include budget data.

    I will see if I can compile the data and put together a blog post on the subject to answer some of your questions.
