Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Do driver feedback speed limit signs impact speed compliance? We will find out on Thursday.

Radarsign Demonstration and Media Event

Thursday April 30 @ 11:30 am

Chesnut Charter Elementary School
(south parking lot)
4576 N. Peachtree Rd.,
Dunwoody, GA 30338

A driver feedback sign has been temporarily installed in front of Chesnut Charter Elementary. It is a speed reduction demonstration project coordinated by PEDS, metro Atlanta's pedestrian advocacy organization, in partnership with the City of Dunwoody and the Governor's Office of Highway Safety.

If you are concerned about the speeding problem on N. Peachtree Rd or other locations within Dunwoody, I would like to invite you to attend our media event on April 30 at 11:30 AM at Chesnut where you can learn of this new technology, speak to City officials and the news media.

Speeding in school zones and neighborhoods is a serious and pervasive problem. Speed humps, one of the cheapest traffic calming devices, are also the crudest and most controversial. Most jurisdictions prohibit them on collector streets, where speeding cut-through traffic is rampant. Driver feedback signs are effective and affordable and are being used in more and more metro Atlanta jurisdictions.

Hit at 20 mph, only 5% of pedestrians are killed.
Hit at 30 mph, 45% of pedestrians are killed.
Hit at 40 mph, 90% of pedestrians are killed.

A little extra speed makes a big impact. Metro Atlanta drivers hit 4 pedestrians every day, injuring about 1,500 per year and killing nearly 80.

QUESTIONS? Contact Michael Orta, PEDS Director of Community Education at 404-522-3747 or


  1. Thanks for including those statistics, John. They are eye-opening.

  2. Good to see this: "Our smart solutions improve safety and prevent accidents at entryways, in facilities and on roadways of all kinds."radar feedback signs, radar trailers, radar speed display signs
