Monday, May 11, 2009

Dunwoody Committee Updates - Planning, Sustainability & Community Council

Planning Commission meets Tuesday Night at 7 pm to discuss removing Dunwoody United Methodist Church from the Dunwoody Village Overlay District.

Sustainability Commission meets Thursday morning at 7:45 am at the Dunwoody Nature Center to discuss progress towards ARC Green Certification. They also have their own social networking site and invite your comments.

Community Council meeting this Thursday Evening at 7 pm to discuss two issues as shown below.

Special Land Use Permit – the Curry Recovery Center d/b/a The Curry Center requests a special land use permit to operate the residential portion of a transitional housing use in an existing apartment complex on Barclay Drive.

Text amendment to Section 4-54: Walls & Fences. A text amendment to clarify retaining walls and wing walls in residential zoning districts.

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