Thursday, May 7, 2009

Farmers Market approved by City without zoning change.

I was notified that the City of Dunwoody, Office of Community Development granted St. Patrick's Episcopal Church a 90 day permit for the Farmers Market under the provision below which was already part of the code. I understand that discussions with the U.S. Postal Service are still on going and at some point the farmers market may be moving to that location. The final agenda for Monday's city council meeting has not been released but it appears unlikely that the proposed zoning change will take place.

Dunwoody Zoning Code - see page 274 of pdf

Sec. 4-50. Temporary Outdoor Sales, Seasonal.

Temporary outdoor seasonal retail sales and services, such as sale of plants, flowers, farm produce or seasonal greenery may be permitted in NS, C-1, C-2, M, and M-2 districts, and as an accessory use to a place of worship, upon approval of a special administrative permit by the director of planning or a duly authorized representative thereof pursuant to the following requirements:

(a) Any applicant for a special administrative permit for temporary outdoor seasonal retail sales and services shall have the written authorization of the owner of the property to use the property for temporary outdoor seasonal retail sales and services;

(b) No such temporary outdoor seasonal retail sales and services shall be conducted on public property or within any public right-of-way.

(c) No such temporary outdoor seasonal retail sales and services shall be approved for a time period exceeding forty-five (45) consecutive days;

(d) No single special administrative permit for temporary outdoor seasonal retail sales and services shall be approved for the same lot or any portion thereof for a total of more than ninety (90) days in any calendar year;

(e) These uses shall be permitted only on lots that have adjacent to them hard surface parking with a curb cut;

(f) No operator, employee or representative shall solicit directly to the motoring public;

(g) As a part of the application for a special administrative permit for temporary outdoor seasonal retail sales and services, a plat of the site that indicates parking shall be provided.

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