Monday, May 25, 2009

Help Support Dunwoody's Law Enforcement Torch Run

The Dunwoody Police Department is an ardent supporter of the Law Enforcement Torch Run (LETR) for Special Olympics Georgia. The Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics, the largest grassroots fundraising program for the cause, began in 1981 when Wichita, Kansas Police Chief Richard LaMunyon saw an urgent need to raise funds for and increase awareness of Special Olympics.

The idea for the Torch Run was to provide local law enforcement officers with an opportunity to volunteer with Special Olympics in the communities where the officers lived and worked. After three years of successful runs in Kansas, Chief LaMunyon presented his idea to the International Association of Chiefs of Police, which endorsed Special Olympics as its official charity through the Torch Run. Today, all 50 states and over 40 countries have their own versions of the Torch Run.

In Georgia, the Law Enforcement Torch Run is the largest annual fundraising event benefiting Special Olympics Georgia. This signature event plays a significant role in Special Olympics Georgia's annual budget.

LETR involves more than 1,000 law enforcement officers from over 100 agencies who take part in a 1,000 mile, two week torch relay to pass the Special Olympics Georgia "Flame of Hope" across the State. All of the nine relays converge at Emory University (Atlanta) during the State Summer Games Opening Ceremony.

The Torch Run culminates at the State Summer Games as officers enter the Opening Ceremony with the Olympic Torch - the Flame of Hope. The Torch is passed to a Special Olympics athlete who lights the Olympic cauldron signifying "Let the games begin!"

The LETR program has evolved, over the years, to a year round fundraising effort. LETR merchandise is sold and officers participate in various fundraisers such as COPS on Doughnut Shop, Cuffed for a Cause, Tip a Cop, Golf Tournaments, Motorcycle Rides and many other events.

Chief Grogan is the LETR Director for the State of Georgia. In 2008, officers across Georgia raised over $700,000 for Special Olympics Georgia.

The Dunwoody Police Department has designated Special Olympics Georgia as our charity of choice. Throughout the years, we will participate in various fundraising activities through the Law Enforcement Torch Run. Please check out our website frequently for a list of events.

If you would like to support this cause, please click on the link below to make an online donation.

You can also read more about the LETR at

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