Thursday, May 28, 2009

Important Dunwoody Comprehensive Plan, Community Meeting, Tues June 2nd at 7 p.m., please attend.

If you want input on the Direction of the City...
you need to participate in the process!

Here's the process, now get involved.

Kickoff Meeting
Tuesday, June 2nd
7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Dunwoody United Methodist Church
1548 Mount Vernon Road

Dunwoody, GA 30338

Under the leadership of the Mayor and City Council we have begun the process of writing the first City of Dunwoody Comprehensive Plan. The public meetings to solicit your opinions and visions of the future will start Tuesday and continue over the summer and into the early fall months. The plan is to be the “Community Agenda”, a policy guide that details the community’s visions and goals for the future. This is a plan truly created by the community, for the community, therefore we need to know your thoughts!

The City of Dunwoody Community Workshops and Meetings for the Comprehensive Plan are organized so that participants:

• learn about the Comprehensive Planning process
• obtain data about their city (prepared in the Community Assessment - huge file)
• express preferences and priorities for the future of the City
• engage in city planning

The workshops will include information and education regarding community planning specific to the City of Dunwoody and the Metro-region.

How do I participate?

There will be five public meetings, and we highly recommend your attend as many as possible. The meetings will have different themes, exercises, and information.

June 2 Kick-Off
Present Process and Community Assessment Key Findings Preliminary Issues/Opportunities (whole assembly) Change/Preserve exercise (break-out working groups)

June 23
Transportation, Gateways and Urban Design

July 7
Parks, Facilities and Funding

August 3
Putting it all together: Vision and Future Development

September 24
Open House – Community Agenda Draft Components

A series of official public hearings taking place in December will provide community members an opportunity to review the draft Community Agenda, comprised of the community Vision, Policies and Implementation plan.


  1. John

    Do we really want community input? Beginning this process in the Summer is almost indicative that the city doesn't really want it. Starting with the fact that the first two meetings are on Tuesday nights, which are Swim Team nights, the next meeting is the same week as the 4th of July which is a huge time for people to vacation, etc. We run the risk of having only a small demographic slice (ie the not so young) show up at these meetings.

    Then to have the final meetings in December when there is so much going on.

    At a minimum, the council needs to monitor participation levels and add meetings if needed. For sure, the wrap up meeting on the 21st of December needs to be moved.

  2. Have to agree with post number 1 at 100%. Timing and day are not good.
