Sunday, May 10, 2009

What makes Dunwoody one of the "most affluent" communities in the U.S.? It's the warmth of the people!

For those who don't live here, let me tell you that Dunwoody is a very nice place to raise a family and it is the people who live here which makes it so special, not the money, cars & houses. It's all about the people.

Business Newspapers make this stuff up and blogs like mine waste the bandwidth reprinting it. For what it is worth, here is their story.

Dunwoody, Georgia has made the list of the 250 “most affluent” communities in the United States, according to a study conducted by

Dunwoody came in at number 130 on the list, which calculated scores based on median household income, median home value, the percentage of homes with nine or more rooms, the number of households with four or more vehicles and the number of adults with bachelor’s degrees.

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