Monday, June 29, 2009

New walking / jogging trail at Peachtree Charter Middle School. Want to Help?

New jogging path on Barclay.

In Dunwoody when people see the need to do something, I am proud to say that more times than not those people will personally take action to get things done and improve the circumstances for all involved. Here is an example that I have recently come across.

Two PCMS parents (Kevin Cameron and Don Lancaster), with some help from members of the Dunwoody Cross Country team, are creating a walking/running path around the campus. They had their first community work day on Saturday and made some great progress on Barclay Road, clearing a path and laying wood chips. Barclay is a dangerous road for runners and walkers because of the lack of side walk or adequate space off the road. Although the Barclay section is not complete, you can now walk the entire length of Barclay without going into the street!

Anyone interested in helping lay woods chips is welcome to join them on Saturday, July 11 at 8:00 am. The plan is to finish Barclay Road and begin widening a path along North Peachtree road. Future phases include linking the path to the PCMS track at two locations and cleaning up a section of woods across the street from the Fire Station.

The City has established a volunteer coordinating committee and website headed up by Mr. Bill Tobin to establish a database of resident volunteers so that when there is a community need the call for volunteers can happen far and wide to those interested in serving the community. In fact, I need a representative to assist Mr. Tobin to work on the coordinating committee itself, therefore if you are interested in serving on the committee please let me know. Thanks.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Volunteer Coordinating Committee is to respond to the civic needs of the City of Dunwoody, its residents, businesses and elected officials. We will accomplish our goals by promoting and facilitating volunteer involvement through partnership with nonprofit organizations, local merchants, government, places of worship, schools and individuals for personal and community enrichment.

Imperative to our success is the establishment of a database of volunteers, or at least the identification of other committees with such a data base, acting as conduit through which volunteers are facilitated throughout the City for various event and projects.


  1. This is a totally awesome project and a great show of community spirit.

    Way to go.

  2. Reminder - Anyone interested in helping lay woods chips is welcome to join them on Saturday, July 11 at 8:00 am.
