Wednesday, July 15, 2009

City of Dunwoody Survey Results from

Once the City of Dunwoody was officially created several on-line for profit "city branded" websites were created to siphon some of the on-line advertising dollars away from the main stream media, they are DunwoodyNow and GoDunwoody. Both are trying to fill the same niche and I read "skim" both from time to time but because they both aggregate information from other sources there is usually very little original content, unlike the Dunwoody Crier who employs a staff of reporters who cover a wide breath of local topics.

Today was the exception since the DunwoodyNow site published results from a survey consisting of 100 respondents commenting on the City of Dunwoody. The 11 pages of results and comments were quite interesting and I especially enjoyed reading the "Suggestions for Dunwoody's elected officials" section.

To the person who asked how the elected officials are contacting their constituents because you haven't personally heard from your representative. Let me say that I personally represent all 40,000 residents of the City of Dunwoody, including yourself and I try to reach out to all 40,000 people on almost nightly basis. Please subscribe to my blog via e-mail delivery by clicking here, e-mail me directly by clicking here or by calling my home at 770-234-0678 to talk directly. I read many e-mails from the Mayor and fellow Council Members where they are responding to resident inquires therefore I can attest that we as a group are attempting to be responsive to the citizens of Dunwoody. Also as a reminder the City of Dunwoody has an open message board to post comments whereby the staff or elected officials reply where possible and every City Council meeting also has a minimum of two open public comment periods where you can talk directly to the Council in an open forum. So please communicate with us and we will reply in kind.

Thank you to the publisher of DunwoodyNow for putting this together as I envision the City doing the same type of survey at some point in the future.

1 comment:

  1. That report is not worth a dime. Only 100 people we surveyed and 89% of them supported the creation of the city of Dunwoody. So I’m surprised how low the numbers are. Only 48% are very satisfied. That leaves 52% of the people who voted for Dunwoody and were active Dunwoody Yes people and are somewhat dissatisfied with the city. Out of the 100 people surveyed how many have attendant a city meeting? 1 or 2 at most I bet (Bev and her friend)
