Friday, July 17, 2009

Pack a lunch for Monday Night's Dunwoody City Council Work Session. PS: I'll take a Turkey and Swiss on Rye, thanks.

Monday July 20th, 2009
City Hall @ 7 p.m.


Boyken update.
June financial report.
Update on city website.
Grants update.
Street parking at Marcus Jewish Community Center.
Reverse 911.
Discussion of Dunwoody Convention and Visitors Bureau.
  • Resolution, Contract, By Laws and Board Appointments
Mid-year vendor contract discussion.
  • Lowe Engineers
  • Calvin, Giordano & Associates
  • Clark Patterson Lee
Sustainability Commission Refocus.
Discussion of traffic calming policy.
Resolution to approve traffic calming on Village Creek Drive.
Update on ADA.
Discussion of Taxi Cabs.
Chamber of Commerce matters.
Discussion on the elimination of a voting meeting for Mayor and Council.
Discussion of public comment periods during meetings.

Note - The Dunwoody City Council will be a little less formal for Monday nights work session as we will be experimenting with the small conference room in the back of the council chambers and we will be talking to each other vs the audience. I believe microphones will be available so any seat in the chambers should be able to hear us but the best seats for viewing will be at the back of the room towards the Right hand side as you walk in.


  1. Re: taxi cabs. They sound adorable and fun. However, older vehicles are usually not very environmentally sound. Do we know what kind of fuel they run on or anything else about their eco-friendliness?

    The Sustainability Commission issues this general reminder to consider the environment in any action we are considering taking as a City, since the City is actively in pursuit of becoming an Atlanta Regional Commission Green Community.

  2. I'm sorry, but are we really worried about the aesthetics of the garbage cans on the curb? Really?

  3. #1 issue against incorporation in my family was that the City of Dunwoody might screw up the great trash pick-up service we have.

    Information to add to the memo prepared by Jeff Timmler:

    1) Twice a week, DeKalb County sanitation empties as many garbage cans and picks up as much neatly stacked trashed as a household puts on the curb.
    2) Once a week, DeKalb County sanitation picks up yard waste for recycling. They do not require that yard waste be in purchased bags, but will accept it in garbage cans or neatly stacked. They will pick up everything a household puts out.
    3) DeKalb Sanitation picks up large items on call, but you don't have to call most of time, they still take it.

    Don't screw up the great deal we currently have with DeKalb sanitation.

  4. I have heard almost no complaints about sanitation service in Dunwoody. It really concerns me that, at the end of the day, we could end up with less services than we have right now.

    And, in this community, regulating things like garbage cans will go over with a giant thud! Don't ask residents to spend monies that they don't have to.

    I agree with Steve -- this will be very unpopular with cit residents.

  5. We can complain about most of the services Dekalb County provided Dunwoody, but the Sanitation service is not one of them. I agree, it was top-rate.

  6. John,

    why use the meeting room? I hope I can hear what is being said in there. Couldn't you simply put a table and chairs in the main room?

  7. If we put in a new reverse 911 system will it be compatible with the new Sandy Springs/Johns Creek 911 system should we make that switch next year?

  8. Good job, Rick. I think that about covers it - right down to the customer Colonial-style trashcan.

  9. Dunwoody Mom said...

    "I'm sorry, but are we really worried about the aesthetics of the garbage cans on the curb? Really?"

    Yes indeed. Businesses in the overlay are already required to purchase a specific make and model. We'd have to be a bit naive to believe this wasn't far behind.

    This isn't a city, it's a HOA run amuck.

  10. Wow, thanks for all the comments and please do keep the feedback coming as I am sure they are being read by your elected officials and city staff. In fact many of the items presented in front of the Council at a work session is stuff that we have never seen before therefore your review and feedback is what allows the us to properly represent you. So thank you for reviewing the documents and giving us your feedback as it is much appreciated.

    Work sessions are where ideas are floated, topics are discussed, positions formulated yet no votes are taken therefore they are meant to be more informal. Because of this, Warren (our City Manager) has suggested that we experiment with a format change on the room setup. If it doesn't work, we won't keep it but please allow us to experiment; who knows maybe it will help us to move through the numerous items at a quicker pace?

    As far as the garbage issue, the entire council is aware of the great service we get from DeKalb. (Thanks to Manny Maloof for walling off the DeKalb Sanitation funds so that they couldn't be touched (raided) by the politicians that followed him and therefore are only used to upgrade and maintain an efficient system.) But that being said, the City has reviewed and bid services in other areas to assure we get the best and most efficient service and this is not something that is being kicked around lightly. Maybe there is a better deal out there to be had? We would never know if we don't ask the questions. How about Chamblee, I know they have leaf sucking off the curbs so what if we could get the current level of outstanding service at the exact same price with the promise of never bagging leaves ever again. Who knows??? We are only exploring options and DeKalb will be at the top of the list of bidders. I wouldn't sweat this item just yet, it has a long way to go before a decision is made and I will be giving you everything I have on the subject as I get it.

    Kudos Rick on the nice article, I look forward to seeing you front and center (or rear and right) on Monday night.

  11. John, the only inconvenience not noted in Rick's article, which I add here for your benefit, is: where do you put a 95 gal trash can around your 1970s/80s Dunwoody home? Doesn't fit in my garage, where I handily keep the current non-stinkeroo-gas 49 gal container.

  12. Speed bumps like the ones shown in the pictures will have a negative effect for emergency vehicles, maybe even costing someone’s life. Yes this will show down a 50Mph car but a fire engine will almost have to stop to get over this obstacle without damaging the 300,000.00 truck. In West Palm Beach the city removed some speed bumps and others they made a path thought the middle for the fire engines to pass. Did any think of this?
