Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dunwoody Homeowners Association - Meeting Agenda for Sunday

The Dunwoody Homeowners Association is a vital and important part of Dunwoody and it is at their monthly meetings where items like proposed redevelopments are vetted by the community and sometimes reworked in order to get the associations support. Their monthly meeting this Sunday is open to the public and I have listed their agenda for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, August 9, 2009, 7:30 P.M.
North DeKalb Arts Center, Room 4
(behind the Dunwoody Library)
  • Welcome Board Members and Visitors
  • Announcements
  • Approval of Minutes – for July 2009 meeting
  • Zoning and Development
    New Dunwoody Bank – Bill Grant
  • Community Affairs
    Dunwoody Bike Information - Doug Thompson / Joe Seconder
    Dunwoody Arts Festival – Frances Schube
    Dunwoody Library – Ron Leonard
    Vernon North Neighborhood – Terry Nall
  • Messages & Updates from President
    Light Up Dunwoody
  • Board Discussion and Votes
  • Adjourn
Next meeting – September 13, 2009, 7:30 PM

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