Thursday, August 27, 2009

Dunwoody schedules public forums on sanitation options for city.

The City of Dunwoody is investigating possible alternatives for sanitation and recycling services that meet or exceed current levels of services. At this point, we are only gathering and sharing information, not making changes. The information gathered will help Mayor and Council decide if they want to make changes in the future to our sanitation and recycling services provided.

Public Forums

As such, the City is hosting a series of informational forums to share more information about our current service provision and possible alternatives. Each forum will include short presentations with ample opportunity for question and answer.

  • Thursday, September 17th – 7:00 p.m. – Sanitation Provision Options
  • Wednesday, September 23rd – 10:00 a.m. – Comparing and Contrasting to other Cities
  • Tuesday, September 29th – 7:00 p.m. – More Sanitation Provision Options and Recycling

Each of the forums will be held in the Dunwoody City Council Chambers located on the 1st floor at 41 Perimeter Center East, Dunwoody, GA 30346.

Additional Information

Under the leadership of Mayor and Council, staff began evaluating the potential for outsourcing sanitation services. At the City Council Work Session on July 20th, Jeff Timler, Special Projects Manager/Director of Sustainability presented a memo in response to Council’s interest in the potential for outsourcing sanitation services. Click here to read the memo. After discussion, Council tapped the Sustainability Commission to do additional research and asked staff to proceed with a series of public forums to share information and gather opinions from Dunwoody residents and businesses.


For more information, contact Jeff Timler at or 678.382.6809 OR Kimberly Greer at or 678.382.6805


  1. Hopefully, someone has, or will, correct Mr. Timler on his facts regarding the services DeKalb County provides.

    1. There is only an initial cost of $30 for the blue bin and bags. There is no $15.00/year cost. The additional $15.00 is incurred if additional bags are needed.

    2. There is one recycling day - Wednesday. Cans and newsprint are not picked up on separate days.

    And it is DeKalb County, not Dekalb.

  2. Rick Callihan has a nice article on the DeKalb Sanitation system on his Dunwoody Talk blog. I highly recommend reading it.

    DeKalb Sanitation by Rick Callihan

  3. Meeting one recap from Sep 17th by Mr. Rick Callihan at Dunwoody Talk
