Friday, November 20, 2009

Dunwoody City Council Meeting agenda for Monday Nov 23rd

Monday, November 23rd
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
7:00 p.m. - Watch Live



  1. The city’s proposed amendment for rezoning applicants is supposed to get residents more involved by requiring a meeting with the applicant. But as it is written, it would only get maybe 4 neighbors near a rezoning applicant the opportunity to meet with the developer before the application is filed – but give ALL and ANY members of any neighborhood associations/community groups who have “registered” [what does that mean/this is sickening!] with the city, and have at least one member within ½ a mile of the property, into those meetings. They would be deemed more important than actual neighbors. In other words, if you live 3 doors down from a proposed 20-story building, you would NOT get to have a special meeting with the developer. However, if you paid $40 to join a homeowner’s association that has 1 (one) member within ½ mile of the property, but you live 5 miles away, the developer would be required by law to have a meeting with you. You are more significant if you pay money in Dunwoody for access to power. I’ll remind council, if memberships to these “registered” groups are not free, there is absolutely no way this would be legal. There seems to be an urgent need to get a certain neighborhood association into our government, even though they can participate just like other citizens have the opportunity to do so already. Does this make sense? Why would any City Council members or Mayor seem to be supporting a group who helped elect them at the cost of belittling neighbors? Payback?

  2. Dunwoody's zoning amendment logic in a nutshell [overstated for demonstration purposes]: If Al Qaeda has one member live within 1/2 mile of a major rezoning parcel in Dunwoody, and that member is “registered” with the city, the zoning applicant would be required to have a special meeting with everyone who belongs to Al Qaeda - while the applicant can ignore neighbors a few doors down. If you think this makes sense, thank the mayor.

  3. ning strikes me dead, and his musch hated DHA strikes my name from the roles of history, I have to almost agree with Joe.

    The idea of a presubmital meeting for zonings cases was not meant to be another hurdle for the developers to clear, but simple away to get information to the public.
    It is not meant to be another sity meeting, but an informational meeting held by developers with the most impacted neighborhoods.
    There was no need to "register Neighborhood Associations"
    If you lived with 500 feet you were notified by the developer of a meeting to make you aware of an impending zoning application. More times than not, the DHA (joe's favorite group I know) was in attendance.

    No one should have to register in order to be notified and no one should have to pay to become part of a group.

  4. John,
    Question about tonight's agenda. Is there a vote on the Business Occupation Taxes Schedule of Fees???
    I'm hearing that the flat rate of .00078 could raise taxes for business like Publix 200-400 percent.

  5. Bob that item was defeated this evening and it appears that we will be maintaining the same tax structure as last year.
