Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dunwoody passed a no-idling policy for city vehicles. Are you aware of the issue? UPS clearly is.

Back in October, Dunwoody put a no idling policy into place for city vehicles and today I read on "Upside", the UPS blog about a DeKalb County school parent who is bringing the No-Idling issue curbside to her school.  Are you aware of the issue?  Check out the article.

Kudos to the UPS Foundation for funding the Clean Air Campaign’s No-Idling initiative nationwide.

1 comment:

  1. John: Another piece of good news--DeKalb County Schools passed a no-idling policy for its buses a few years back and have been doing a terrific job of not idling while waiting for the kids at dismissal. The vans from after school programs sometimes idle and are usually happy to turn off the vans when informed of this policy.
