Monday, May 24, 2010

Video of the May 24th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

Video of May 24th City Council Meeting

Here was the agenda and here is a 2 second meeting recap.
  • Doug Thompson will not be sworn in until June meeting.
  • Welcome Officer Chris Forman.
  • City ordinances will be on Municode soon.
  • Deferred Signs to another meeting.
  • 121 Perimeter Center will become a restaurant on the first floor.
  • Noise ordinance change was pushed to community council for further review.
  • Brook Run Conservancy gave a nice talk - handouts will be scanned.
  • Art Festival conversation pushed to next month.
  • Public Hearing on 2030 Comp Plan had no comments from the public and my proposed changes are still being reviewed therefore I held my discussion for the next meeting.
  • Millage (Tax) Rate proposed to be the same as last year.
  • Welcome new Sustainability Members.
  • Contract for Village LCI approved.

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