Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 14th - a very long but productive night at the Dunwoody City Council

Monday evening the Dunwoody City Council meeting started at 7 pm and didn't end until almost 5 hours later at 11:50 pm. We passed the Comprehensive Land Use Plan on to the next step after numerous relatively minor changes, maintained the same tax rate and then spent quite a bit of time on the sign ordinance which is up for a final vote next Monday at a specially called meeting.

Since much of the evening was a work session, many other items were discussed but they will not be decided until next month at the next regularly scheduled voting meeting. Work sessions seem to drag for us but the discussions had and work done will assure that we vet all the items before a final vote is taken. Doesn't mean we always get it right but I can assure you that the members of Council are working very hard on your behalf.

The meeting video is split into two segments with the first part being from the start until the discussion on signs; the second video picks up where the first one stopped (2 - 3 min lapse) with the discussion of prohibiting string lights and then goes until the end. Follow along on the agenda as published.


  1. John,
    I want to thank you for trying to get a FINAL version of the Copm Plan released so the FINAL version could be reviewed by the public.
    Not sure why the rush on the most important document that you have produced to date.
    We have done a lot of work over a long period of time, with some last minute changes that council added during public meetings.
    Why not let the people see the full completed document.
    what difference does one more week make?
