Thursday, July 15, 2010

Free discount prescription drug card for Georgia residents.

As shown on this Fox 5 video, Georgians can begin downloading a new discount prescription drug card.

The Georgia Drug Card is free and can be used at 60,000 pharmacies nationwide for both brand name and generic drugs. You are even able to price your medicines prior to visiting the store by doing a search for specific drug names via a zip code. There are no enrollment forms, no restrictions and no age or income requirements.

The card can be downloaded online. To download the card click here.


  1. Is there a way to compare this drug card's prices with the card I got at

  2. I found a great discount card at It's free, you can sign up online and print your card to use immediately. We've been able to save a couple of hundred dollars already.

  3. "Since the death of Canadian skier Sarah Burke in January, fans and supporters from around the world have donated over $300,000 – more than enough to cover the massive U.S. medical bill generated by efforts to save her."

    "The outpouring of grief for Burke and the influx of funds are a tribute to a young woman who was a pioneer and legend in her sport."

    "The need for a fundraiser — to help her grieving family avert bankruptcy — was viewed by some Canadians and U.S. observers as a condemnation of the U.S. health care system."

    "The irony is that had the accident occurred in Canada… her care would have been covered because, unlike the U.S., Canada has a system of universal coverage," wrote Wendell Potter, an insurance executive-turned-whistleblower who writes for iWatch at the Center for Public Integrity. "No one in Canada finds themselves in that predicament, nor do they face losing their homes as many Americans do when they become critically ill or suffer an injury..."

    An estimated 700,000 American families file for bankruptcy every year because of medical debt, Potter said."

    By Kari Huus

  4. Medical bankruptcy is a horrible reality that can affect every American, regardless of political stripe. Virtually everyone, except the extremely wealthy are at risk.

    Even those with excellent insurance, good jobs, and a strong financial situation are at risk.

    I see this happening every year.

    Losing your home, your current life and living on the kindness of others because you got sick.

    It isn't right and it isn't right for America.
