Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Video of the July 12th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

Video- First Three Hours

Video - Last Two Hours

It was a busy work session at the Dunwoody City Council, lasting over five hours but I have all the video broken into two segments for your viewing pleasure. We followed the agenda and much of the meeting concerned the Sign Ordinance which was discussed halfway through the the evening and is therefore split between the two videos. If you are looking for a specific segment please use that as a guide as to what video to start looking for your topic. 


  1. Regarding the Dunwoody High Construction Update & noise: One councilman (not John) thinks I may have to unfortunately suffer since he doesn't think 18-wheeled trucks rumbling on my residential neighborhood sidewalk at 7 am violates our noise ordinance. Meanwhile, DeKalb Schools says they are doing everything possible to prevent continuous violations of our noise ordinance, but can't control it all. I'm very unimpressed with the city and the school system on this matter.

  2. Let it go Joe...for the sake of the children.

  3. What a much nicer world it would be if people didn't nit and pick over everything in this right-wing Republican bedroom community. Who cares if the trucks building our children's schools roll in a bit early in the morning (I hear it as well and just turn over)? Who cares if a man wants to build a wheelchair ramp for his wife on his back porch so she enjoy the outdoors of her backyard? Who cares if some Latino soccer players want to play on our school's athletic fields when they are in use? Who cares if the traffic gets a little heavier on Tilly Mill when our award winning community college is in session? Who cares if a five or six families want to raise a couple of chickens?

    Really, if this township would take a couple of chill pills and mellow out then most of them wouldn't look like a bunch of stereotypical prune faced upper-middle class white folks in need of a few shots of Metamucil.

  4. Glory, please share your address with us...

  5. Sure Joe.

    5035 Vermack Road Dunwoody, GA 30338

  6. careful, Joe. Glory will view your request as a threat and report you to the police chief. She is a very unpleasant person, and unhappy with her surroundings.

  7. Whadda think I'm goofy? I'm gonna give my address to a stranger? My mamma didn't raise a dimwitted girl. I'm in the directory if you really are that concerned. I'm surprised though, that you don't know me; however, I do use my nee Jackson when commenting, so I'll give you that.

  8. good one Glory. Are you residing in one of the new learning cottages at the high school? Or do you take a MARTA bus to that Womack address on school days?
