Monday, August 23, 2010

Video of the Aug 23rd Dunwoody City Council Meeting


  1. The Dunwoody City Council welcomes public comment as we allow 30 minutes at the start of every meeting for citizens to tell us what ever they want to say. So far no matter the subject matter, even when someone is criticizing something we did, I still enjoy listening to the residents because it is usually something they feel very passionate about.

    This evening might have been the exception, I'll let you decide.

    Happy Massages in Dunwoody

    What do you think? Were we punked?


  2. Fake. But I do believe a massage parlor is this guy's only hope in life for his Happy Ending.

  3. Dunwoody Talk blogger Rick Callihan was in attendance tonight and wrote a decent recap that I figured I would share.

  4. EWWWW!

    EWWWW! I think you were punked. At least I hope you were!

  5. Last night, I was watching the Council video off a link from your earlier agenda post. When the massage guy spoke in public comment, I remember wondering if I really heard what I thought I heard. Now I know I truly did hear it. Yuk!

  6. Has anyone checked out the new "Amazing Massage" across from the Georgetown Kroger? Call me a skeptic, but when I see a massage entity, a massage is not what I envision....

  7. I'm pretty sure no one would admit to having "checked it out," except for maybe the guy from last night's public comment. :)

  8. Favorite line: "Not to be too vulgar."

    Oh no, public discussion of prostitution in Council chambers isn't vulgar at all!

    I can't believe dude kept a straight face!

    It's got to be a full moon, or a weird planetary confluence. I have seen a lot of weird, bizarre, and over-the-top things this week and this is just the cherry on top of the banana split.

    Not to be too vulgar, of course. ;-)

    Is it Friday yet?

  9. Just found out you guys got punked. Check out the Regular Guys from Rock 100.5 FM.

    Funny as hell, though! Bet you all were awake the rest of the night!

  10. Yes, the Dunwoody City Council was used in a radio stunt for the Regular Guys show on Rock 100.5 and down below is both my video of the comment and the radio footage which includes a recording of Chief Grogan talking to the person immediately following the public comment.

    When you step back and analyze this event from a public service perspective, I believe the City of Dunwoody, the Mayor and the Police Chief were all put to the test and yet the professionalism of all involved shined through, passing the test with flying colors. Kudos to all involved.

    Video of Public Comment (after commercial)

    Audio of Regular Guys Radio Show.


  11. How can you all make light of such a serious matter that this gentleman has brought to your all's attention?

    If what he says is true, that there is an institutional suspension of our rights of culmination, a good 46% of the fine Dunwoodian males would be subject to a condition known as consequential combustion, and they would truly be "Done Woodians"!

  12. Wow. The one Council meeting I don't cover (long story) and THIS happens? Just my luck.
