Friday, September 10, 2010

Dunwoody City Council Agenda for Monday September 13th

Monday, September 13th
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
7:00 p.m. - Watch Live

Special Called Voting Meeting Agenda

1. Administer Oath of Office for New Police Officer, Harold E. Nelson, III.
2. Approval of a Contract for Parks and Recreation Master Plan.  Based on the Master Plan RFP

Work Session Meeting Agenda - Immediately following Special Meeting.

1. Discussion of Commercial Sanitation.
2. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Fiscal Year 2010 Budget.
3. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 10: Business and Occupation Taxes.
4. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Purchasing Policy.
5. Discussion of Occupation Tax.
6. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 27: Zoning to Add Outdoor Lighting Efficiency Ordinance.
7. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 18: Noise.
8. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 27: Zoning re: Accessory Structures.
9. FIRST READ: Ordinance to Amend Chapter 24: Offenses and Miscellaneous Offenses to Add Litter Control Regulations.
10. Discussion of Economic Development Program Implementation.
11. Discussion of Intergovernmental Agreement Between the City of Sandy Springs and the City of Dunwoody for Paving.
12. Police Department Report
13. Discussion of Additional Signage Request for Dunwoody Music Festival.
14. Discussion of Upcoming Meeting Dates.


  1. re: Accessory structures...

    Is this relevant to say, detached garages, storage sheds, etc., on residential property?

  2. Dunwoody Club Drive Resurfacing = Status Quo from 20 years ago.

    Can you imagine what is running through my head this morning when I read that staff recommends that we bow down to Sandy Springs, give them project management and pay our city funds to follow their “lead” in resurfacing Dunwoody Club Drive “as is” the cheapest way????

    That road segment is rated “GOOD” by our city-wide pavement evaluation. There are many other streets with POOR or FAIR condition that have higher priority for resurfacing. Wait a couple of years, save up the money and do it the right way. (10-ft lane widths, add paved shoulders, etc.)

    I’ve spent HUNDREDS of free volunteer hours working with the city. Talking. Researching. Meeting. I hear the talk on Sustainability. On becoming Bike & Ped Friendly. Now it’s time to see some results. Spend an hour with me and I’ll show you areas on Dunwoody Club Drive that we could do some things for adding paved shoulders to increase safety. Where we can pave up to the curb edge, instead of stopping at the cement on the curb, etc.

    Sandy Springs adamantly refuses to go below 11-ft lanes widths regardless of Federal Standards which allow for 10-ft lanes Ref: ARC 2007 Bike/Ped Plan: (35 MPH or less, little truck traffic. Dwy Club is not a designated truck route and has “no trucks” signage). They refuse to install Share the Road or Bike Route signs. They won’t replace “wrong way” drain grates that I identified over two years ago (the grates on drains that run parallel to the road are very dangerous for bicyclists, as the wheels will just roll into them and cause a crash). They won’t add bicycle accommodation when they re-design an intersection (Roberts/Dwy Club/Spalding as an example). Sandy Springs council has not adopted any formal bicycle or Complete Streets policies. Their mayor refuses to meet with me for 30 minutes to discuss how to become a Bicycle Friendly Community. Their council does not know about the “Safe Routes to School” program and tells me to talk to Fulton County Schools instead. They say they can’t afford to spend any money on bicycle improvements, because they are dealing with decades of neglect. Somehow they think in the undefined future they’ll think about adding bicycle lanes, paths and trails; and creating a real-world plan.

    Sandy Springs has it WRONG. You do it right the FIRST TIME. It’s called “Routine Accommodation”. It’s called planning. It’s called being sustainable. It’s called “walking the talk”. And yes, it takes money.

    Don’t spend our scarce funds doing the “as is” just because our rich and arrogant neighbors are bullying us into complying.

    Come to the city council meeting on Monday 9/13, sign up for public comment and have your voice heard.


    Joe Seconder

  3. Everything Joe says is spot on. Sandy Springs is the opposite of bike and pedestrian friendly.

  4. Please go ahead and repave Dunwoody Club. I have lived on it for 14 years, and the last thing we need on it are bike lanes. The road is to hilly and the cars go too fast.

    It will look odd if one side is paved and the other is not. It will cause home values to decrease, in my opinion.

    Instead of the bike lanes, why not go ahead with the sidewalks?

  5. ab,

    it may look weird, agreed. my street looks weird as well since it has potholes, uneven surfaces, no sidewalk on either side, etc. Dunwoody Club is much better shape than most in the city. At least you will have a smooth ride half the time.
