Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dunwoody City Council Meeting Agenda for Monday October 25th at 7 pm

Monday, October 25th
Dunwoody City Hall
41 Perimeter Center East
Dunwoody, GA 30346
7:00 p.m.


  1. From what I read in "The Crier", in an article authored by Brent Adams, this I will have to say about Councilman Robert Wittenstein regarding his sole vote against the repaving of Dunwoody Club Drive as well as the reasons he cited (i.e. "there were other streets that needed repaving more than Dunwoody Club Drive, and that it was not good policy to gauge how much you’ve saved by how much you’ve spent.”) - it was a prudent and courageous vote, Councilman Wittenstein; thank-you!

    I used drive down Dunwoody Club Drive on my way to Georgia State Route 400 as I found it to be in better shape than the other Dunwoody roads on my route; however, I ceased following this course as some young adults found the road to be in superior condition as well, in fact such great shape that they would take their longboards on it to downhill after dark without reflective vests.

  2. Gary,

    I understand your comments and came close to voting with Robert on this one but in looking at the numbers I was swayed by the overall savings.

    The street was on our list for resurfacing in two years and Sandy Springs had a very competitive bid as well as a State Grant of $140,000.00 whereby we would be saving $70,000 by joining them. State LARP funds are given on a formula and Dunwoody received a very small amount this year and with the state budget; I was concerned that this $70,000 in savings to the city wouldn't be there when we wanted to repave Dunwoody Club, therefore I voted in favor of the resurfacing.

    I just saw that the Pothole Patrol on CBS is also asking the same questions and I thought I would share.

    Dunwoody Club Pothole Patrol asks if LARP funds are being wasted.


  3. John,

    Thank-you for explicating the situation. I should know better to review all the circumstances and attempt to comprehend all the points of view before commenting; nonetheless, I would still anticipate that Councilman Robert Wittenstein is truly a prudent and courageous man (and I'm sure you would agree).

    Take care

    gary ray betz
