Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Video of the December 13th Dunwoody City Council Meeting

As far as a recap, everything that had a vote, passed and the items up for discussion had mostly positive comments by council. The only two items that had mixed to negative comments were the item to reduce the distance between residential zoning and establishments that sell alcohol via a SLUP process and the sunset provisions for legal non-conforming signs. Both of these ideas (at least in their current form), will not be returning.


  1. Just a suggestion - we name sections of Brook Run (e.g. skate park, theatre, playground, garden, etc.) and its streets after Dunwoody citizens who have fallen in the service of their country, and give the honor of this designation to the Dunwoody VFW GA Post 10822.

  2. Thank-you! Though it's my only good idea of the year - and the year is nearly over.

    I just figure for the skater boys/girls, playground kids/dads/moms, gardeners, picnickers, festival goers, dog owners, all of us - it would provide a perpetual reminder of those that made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom of assembly.
