Monday, February 14, 2011

Chesnut's Position on Redistricting

I am a proud Chesnut Charter Elementary parent who attempted to stay on the sidelines for much of the redistricting discussions, that being said please indulge this post from the Chesnut community that is about funding equity based on enrollment in order to allow all Dunwoody schools the ability to offer music and art.

Chesnut's Issue: With redistricting, the estimated enrollment at Chesnut was 487. HOWEVER, this included 40 Pre-K students. Pre-K Students don't count as far as FTE funding. That leaves Chesnut at 447 - below the 450 needed for FTE funding.

Below is the letter that the Chesnut ES School Council sent to Ms. Tyson and Dan Drake, cc:Nancy Jester and Pamela Speaks, which outlines Chesnut's suggestions on redistricting. Last night I witnessed several of the signers of the letter talking to Nancy Jester regarding the issue at the DHA meeting and during Nancy's presentation she stated that there is still the possibility for Ms. Tyson to make changes to the proposal that will be up for a vote on March 7th. 

In case anyone wants to give personal feedback other than email, Ms. Tyson will be in the Dunwoody area on Thursday February 17th giving the "State of the DeKalb School System address" and there are two public meetings in early March also.

Click on the pages below to enlarge or check out Dunwoody School Daze where I first read the letter.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's a sad day when one is forced to increase enrollment and move into trailers...uhm...learning cottages to enable a school to offer music and art.

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