Friday, March 18, 2011

30 years of the Georgia Gang - Dick Williams has left an indelible mark on Atlanta Journalism & Politics

Dick Williams

I have been a resident of Dunwoody for about 14 years but it has only been within the last 10 that I have really had the pleasure to get to know the Publisher of the Dunwoody Crier, Mr. Dick Williams. Being the man behind the scenes of a small weekly newspaper, means that Dick has his hands on, around and in most local topics. Little did I know that Dick was the past executive editor of the AJC whereby I am guessing he wielded the influence of his typewriter within in the City of Atlanta. His experience as a long time columnist with the Atlanta Business Chronicle and the fact that he authored a book on a possible future Presidential candidate; still makes this small town newspaperman relevant to the Atlanta landscape. But if Dick's history as a newsman makes him relevant, it is what he has been doing every Friday morning for the last 30 years, that still to this very day, makes him one of the most influential journalists in Atlanta.   Every Friday Dick Williams tapes the "The Georgia Gang" television news program where he moderates the discussion of weekly Georgia news stories of interest. The show airs Sunday morning, whereby it is the main local Atlanta news program watched (now also DVR'ed) by those who still respect the commentary they have read and trusted (or read and despised) for the last 30 years.

I'll readily admit that I am one of those who watch, but I also do it with a new media flair that is becoming very popular with advent of laptops and Ipads. Every Sunday morning, I sleep in until 8:30, grab a cup of coffee, open the laptop to Peach Pundit and turn the TV to Fox 5. For a political geek who reads the daily fish wrapper as thoroughly as the political blogs, it is the combination of the old media along with the new media's running commentary being offered of Peach Pundits live blog of the show which I truly enjoy.

Since there is now a permanent seat open with the departure of Jeff Dickerson maybe one of those politically savvy bloggers may just jump the shark and land on TV to have the privilege of bantering with Dick and his gang. I really enjoy the addition of Jim Galloway the Political columnist of the AJC for the facts and insight he brings but what makes the show fun for me is the tit for tat, back and forth arguments discussions, between the liberal members and the staunch conservatives.  Jim doesn't play that game expressing his own ideology therefore it appears that a search is on for a moderate/liberal replacement, preferably with a journalistic background. If you happen to be a fan of the show as well as follow the blogs, who would you want to see on the show?  I have my ideas (will be sending a few e-mails) but I would like to hear yours.

The AJC TV & Radio reporter, Mr. Rodney Ho did a nice piece on the Georgia Gang's 30 years and I highly recommend you read it.

WAGA-TV’s ‘The Georgia Gang’ a stable force on TV over three decades

Congratulations Dick, may you continue to be force in the Atlanta media and the political landscape for a long, long time.


  1. I'd go with Jen Brock of Blog for Democracy if I was Williams. She's an attorney, takes no prisoners, and is young and female. Should satisfy most of the necessary criteria, other than a journalism background. But she writes for BfD and is an attorney, so that should overcompensate on the journo thing.

  2. John: Did Rick Callihan write this post for you, or are we seeing a looser, more fun-loving John Heneghan???

  3. Gee SpaceyG - I was kinda thinkin YOU might be an awesome addition to the table. Stir it up, have some fun, ya know? Dick, you need a female anyway to even it up.

  4. I really think dick is crazy because he's very one sided on this religion bill

    1. How can he say it's okay to fire someone because they like the same sex 99% of GA people are in love with the same sexy so he saying let's shut them down let's lose money an not sell them anything how do he sound I really need help understanding what he's saying

    2. How can he say it's okay to fire someone because they like the same sex 99% of GA people are in love with the same sexy so he saying let's shut them down let's lose money an not sell them anything how do he sound I really need help understanding what he's saying
