Friday, April 1, 2011

Can you help make the next Dunwoody Community Garden a reality?

There are at least four community gardens in the City of Dunwoody and the dynamic duo of  Ms. Pattie Baker (Sustainable Pattie) and Mr. Bob Lundsten (Farmer Bob) would like to install the fifth in one of the most densely populated parts of the city, just yards off Ashford Dunwoody Road.  They put out a call for volunteers and now Ms. Shawn Bard just fell out of the sky to take the leadership role in launching and running the planned vegetable garden at the Spruill Gallery in Dunwoody, GA.

Can you help Shawn?
Shawn is a Dunwoody resident and mom of school-age children. She has a large vegetable garden at home, is a master gardener, is a beekeeper, for goodness sake, and has been separately working on developing a program to provide 50 families in Dunwoody this summer (especially those in multi-family housing) with free Grow Bags, tomato plants, Farmer D Organics planting mix, and trellises (ALL of which she had donated by various companies) (more details to come about that another time). AND she writes a relatively new, beautiful blog named Grow. Great. Full.

Help Shawn and this garden be a success!  $3,000 is needed during the month of April, or this garden will not happen.  Donate now by sending a check to: Spruill Gallery, 4681 Ashford Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA 30338. Be sure to write in the subject line that it is for the garden. (A Paypal option should be live in about a week.)  The garden is scheduled to be installed May 2.  An art opening for an installation titled Architecture in the Garden is scheduled for June 2.

H/T to the incredible Ms. Pattie Baker, a Fearless Thinker, an Honest Advisor, as well as a Passionate Storyteller who will soon to be a best selling author.


  1. Cool. Now some of those apartment dwellers can have gardens too! Farmer Bob helped us with our new garden a month ago. We have crops growing now.

  2. Thanks, John, for posting, but quick clarification--this garden will be independent of the Dunwoody Community Garden, just like the Georgetown Community Garden is, although the Dunwoody Community Garden members (and other gardeners in Dunwoody) are certainly encouraged to help. It will be part of the Spruill Arts Center non-profit. Also, the 6 beds planned (one on legs for easy access for those with physical disabilities) are for donations to those in need. However, I do like your idea of getting a bona fide community garden going in that heavily-populated part of our city once larger space is identified. (And my guess is Bob and I would be happy to help.)

    The Spruill garden is a great opportunity for those who are not yet in a group gardening situation to connect, learn, grow, and share.

  3. Hi,

    I would be very much interested in being a part of this effort. I recently moved to Dunwoody and I am very much interested in growing plants. Please let me know if I could be of any help in volunteering.

