Thursday, April 7, 2011

Norcross offering Shreding services, Paint and Electronic Recycling on Saturday April 9th

The City of Norcross is holding their annual Recycling Day this Saturday, April 9th near City Hall from 9 am until 1 pm. They have added paint recycling to the usual paper shredding and electronics recycling, all open to the public. Participants are encouraged to donate non perishable food items for their area food pantry. Proceeds from the small per can paint fee will also benefit the food pantry. Interesting tidbit, I also heard that the reprocessed paint will be returned to them for use in community art projects.

Please click on the photos below for more details or contact Philomena Robertson (770) 448-7327


  1. Good idea for community food pantry, but on adding phone handset recycling it will have improved value of proceeds. I would suggest to donate mobile phone handsets instead of earning cash for mobile.

  2. Thanks for sharing good info on recycling....

