Thursday, June 16, 2011

DeKalb County BOE public comment highlights several problems facing systematic & educational reform.

My friends over at the DeKalb County School Watch Blog asked for a little help on processing some video showing former DeKalb County School board member, Ms. Zepora Roberts giving public comment on a subject that is suppose to be held in strict confidence by the sitting school board members. Due to these types of leaks, good candidates for School Superintendent are fleeing contention. Hopefully our school board finds the right person willing to take the job and then that person is able to guide the education of our children vs being the ringmaster of the three ring circus called DeKalb.

Following Ms. Roberts on the video is a topic that hits very close to home. Mr. John Evans reported that his 3rd grade grandson cannot read. He was very upset and went to the teachers and administrators to talk about it. Their response was to challenge the CRCT results and then move into 4th grade. He was livid - his point - why would I send him on if he can't read? Mr. Evans doesn't want his grandson pushed along - he wants him to be truly educated! If a child can't read, then support teachers need to be put into action. Third grade is a critical point in a child's education. If they are not reading well, there is no chance of being successful in any subject in the future. Kudos, Mr. Evans!

For further background read the following articles.

Is DeKalb radioactive? Is the problem the school system’s size or its management?

Four DeKalb school board members ask public to support Texas candidate for school chief

Superintendent Search - Setting the record straight

Another board member trips the superintendent search (again?)

Commerce Chamber Tells DeKalb To Wait On New Superintendent Hire


  1. If all special needs kids (heck, just all kids) had a parent or grandparent like Mr. Evans, they might just have a chance of succeeding despite idiots like Zepora. I think John Evans should be on our school board.

  2. I could not infer from this posting that Mr. Evans' grandson is a "special needs" student. While that may be the case I think we have sufficient evidence to believe that DCSS cannot reliably teach a child to read in four years (K-3). Regardless, the world needs more parents and grandparents like Mr. Evans.

  3. I agree. John Evans did mention that his grandson was labeled ADHD (and further pondered why it seems that so many black boys are labeled as such) but he didn't say he was labeled as dyslexic or otherwise reading disabled. This is strictly a failure on the part of the school system and I give Mr. Evans kudos for his bravery in standing up to share his story and challenge the board on their EDUCATION policies.

  4. I would have enjoyed (not so much really) seeing the look on Ramona Tyson's face when this train wreck made it clear from her statements that she had inside information.
