Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mike Davis announces candidacy for Mayor of Dunwoody and Thursday Night meet and greet at Village Burger

Mike Davis, Candidate for Dunwoody Mayor

Mike Davis (57) has announced that he is running for Mayor of Dunwoody. Mike is a 22 year resident of Dunwoody and has served in a number of community volunteer roles including board member of Dunwoody Yes, a group that advocated for the formation of the City of Dunwoody. Through his 30 year working career he’s been a business owner and has served in a number of leadership roles in the chemical sales and financial services industries. Currently, Davis is the owner of Asset Preservation Group, an insurance brokerage that specializes in life and long term care insurance,

“Mike is a smart business person who has given his time and talents to many community initiatives,” said Heyward Wescott, Davis’ campaign manager. “He’s an active participant in the business of the city and has a strong understanding of the issues facing our young city.”

In addition to his service during the cityhood movement, Davis led two successful local political campaigns: Denny Shortal’s bid for Dunwoody City Council and Tom Taylor’s campaign for State Representative for the Dunwoody area. Additionally, Davis has served or currently serves as a member of Dunwoody’s Georgetown sounding board, member of the Dunwoody Chamber of Commerce’s Economic Development committee, and past president of Mill Glen Swim and Tennis Club. Davis is a former board member of the Murphey Candler Girls Softball League where he coached numerous teams.

He and his wife, Mary Pat have four children, one grandchild and one on the way. They are members of St. Jude where he sings in the choir, is past president of the men’s club, and has served in a number of leadership roles including the church’s financial council and the pastoral council. Davis earned an undergraduate degree from Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut.

The Davis for Dunwoody Mayor Campaign will launch on Thursday, June 9th at 7:30pm at Village Burger in Dunwoody (1426 Dunwoody Village Parkway, Dunwoody, GA 30338). Please join your Dunwoody neighbors for complimentary frozen custard with Mike.     RSVP:





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  1. Gotta take this candidate with a grain of salt, I'd say....

    Close association with Dunwoody Yes! and with Councilman Shortal and former Councilman Taylor indicate, to me, a more-of-the-same mentality as to the future of Dunwoody. Why wasn't Mr. Davis involved with any of the city start-up functions since incorporation?

    I'd like him more if he was more "current" with city issues than his bio indicates he is.


  2. Anyone done a head count of City staff and council that were affiliated with that 2nd career jobs program aka "Dunwoody Yes!". Seriously, how many...?

  3. Kcaj,

    Only one resident of Dunwoody is a part of the city staff, and that is the city attorney. All others hired by our city manager were out-of-towners. They should have a sign at city hall that says "no locals need apply". Of course a couple of people rent a home or apartment here after being hired. Naturally DunwoodyYes crowd dominates council. Whom else would run, a waitress from Hickory House? I like that he has not been on a bunch of committees. He will have a fresh perspective, hopefully. I'd prefer a businessman over a long time government employee/appointee.

  4. @Chip and @ Kcaj -- Hey guys, c'mon, you can't be really serious to criticize people who helped to form the City when they want to continue working and serve the City going forward. This is the type of nonsense that no one who has any sense can stomach.

    I went to Mike's meet and greet and it was a great event. Mike is the perfect candidate for this position. He's very familiar with the City and its issues; he's worked with everyone to move the City forward; he's got needed business experience; he's been involved in Dunwoody organizations for many years; and he's level headed and would represent us very well.

    I personally like him and think he'd be a great Mayor. He's the perfect follow up to Ken Wright.

    Rob Augustine

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  6. Rob:

    Again with the unfiltered boosterism!!! Surprise, you can both seriously criticize people who belonged to Dunwoody Yes! and then moved into City Council, and still support the general trend that the City has followed. The criticism focuses on the awkward and ineffectual behavior of the Council, especially if you look at things like the Sign Ordinance, the Noise Ordinance, the police budget, and the recent, permanent staff increases and salary increases for City employees. Then, add in the "hidden" tax increase (all Dunwoody Yes! folks pledged "no new taxes, you remember)masquerading as a "Parks Bond" and serious people can discuss, and disagree, with whether more of the same is the better alternative.

    While Ken Wright has done many laudable things as Mayor, his time and presence on Dunwoody Yes! led him to misconstrue and underestimate (knowingly and deliberately) several factors that would be important to the future operations of the City of Dunwoody. We are still bearing the consequences of that deception.

    I am skeptical of anyone involved with Dunwoody Yes! or Citizens for Dunwoody, not because they aren't well-meaning or committed to Cityhood, but because they did an inadequate job of presenting the numbers and the issues, and basically accepted the argument that you, Rob, constantly advance:
    "Dunwoody! it's a no brainer!"

    I suggest any intelligent voter has to ask whether continuity with Dunwoody Yes! is in the best interests of Dunwoody, as many of the Council were also members. They've generally, as a group, failed to act as a City government, more like a homeowner's association---which was their only model.

    We've moved past the time for the homeowner's association model (at least I hope we have) and we need a Mayor and Council who will begin to act as a city government....that's my opinion, of course.

    Insofar as any candidate approaches the Mayor's job with that attitude or vestige of that attitude, I believe he/she should be taken with a grain of salt.

  7. Well, of course, I disagree with you Chip. Taking your position would be against the majority of the citizens in Dunwoody.

    I think the City Council has acted exactly like a local government and they've done things that needed doing for many years, which a homeonwers association just could not do.

    The future is brighter because of the dedication of the foks we have serving us on Council, and I think Mike Davis would make a great addition to these efforts.

    Rob Augustine

  8. Rob:

    Tell me what Mike Davis offers (specifics, please) that makes him so attractive? Other than running campaigns for Shortal and Taylor (really, these were "big" campaigns?) and a brief stint with Dunwoody Yes!, he's no more qualified or less qualified than any other Dunwoody resident. In print, he's only said things that support a "no tax increase" mentality, no real vision or intention for the future. His candidacy, in my opinion, is based on a "just say "no!"" to any improvements, and maintenance of the status quo.

    I'm really interested in what you see that I don't, Rob.

  9. Mike is the perfect candidate for this position. He's very familiar with the City and its issues; he's worked with everyone to move the City forward; he's got needed business experience; he's been involved in Dunwoody organizations for many years; and he's level headed and would represent us very well.

    I personally like him and think he'd be a great Mayor. We need someone who garners respect and has leadership skills. Mike clearly meets these criteria. He's certainly been involved in Dunwoody for some time, and has participated at various levels from city, to church, to school, to athletics, etc. in various positions over the years.

    We are fortunate that Mike has decided to run.

  10. Rob: All that's in his press release. What's his "vision" for Dunwoody??? All he's said so far is that we shouldn't go into debt.

    Is that it?

    Does he have a plan for infrastructure upgrades? Will he commit to stopping the trend to hire more permanent employees and give "automatic" raises in a flat, declining economy? Does he have any position on the almost useless enforcement of the sign and noise ordinances?

    I think not. He's just motivated to run "against" the parks bond issue, which will most likely die of it's own weight and thorough lack of presentation by the mayor and the council.

    So what are we left with? A nice guy that everybody likes? What else?? Inquiring bloggers would like to know.

  11. This is a very interesting discussion. I want to know too Chip. Thanks!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
