Wednesday, July 27, 2011

City of Dunwoody Update by Councilman Robert Wittenstein

Dear Dunwoody Friends and Neighbors,

We have just re-negotiated contracts for city services with local venders and have achieved significant cost savings with higher levels of service.

When the city started two and half years ago we signed contracts with three firms to provide most city services. With those contracts expiring in December, it was time to take the contracts back out to bid.

I was one of three council members on the evaluation committee. We drafted the Request for Proposals, developed the scoring system, reviewed dozens of proposals (thousands of pages) and conducted 21 face-to-face interviews with potential venders.

We had a very competitive process that led to our recommendation of four firms. Two of the firms are currently providing services to Dunwoody and the other two firms have asked to talk with our current contract staff to see if there is a good fit, so we expect very little staff turnover as a result of the process.

We are getting significantly higher levels of services in IT and Marketing / Communications and comparable levels of service in all other areas. The process has provided strong and compelling evidence that our contracting model works and will provide excellent service at locked-in savings for the contract period.

These contracts will save us over $3 million over the next four years. The $780,000 per year in savings will be available for additional road or parks improvements, or to cover the added cost of the ChatComm 911 service. I would like us to earmark some of the funds to start a vehicle replacement fund so that when we need start replacing our existing fleet of police cars in a few years we have the money in reserve rather than having to borrow from the bank and pay interest.

It didn't get a lot of play in the local press, but we dodged a tax bullet this month. There was a lot of publicity around DeKalb County's 4.3 mill tax increase. What didn't get as much notice is that most of that doesn't apply to Dunwoody city residents. Our taxes are "only" going up 1.59 mills. That is still a jump, and it will mean about $150 more per year for the average Dunwoody homeowner, but it is a far cry from the major tax increase other DeKalb residents will endure. Dunwoody's total property tax millage rate is now ten percent lower than anywhere else in DeKalb County.

On a related note, this week the Dunwoody City Council voted unanimously to place two parks bond referendum on the November ballot. The first would fund the purchase of additional park land; the second would fund facility improvements to existing and newly acquired parks. If approved, each would add $104 in property tax per year to the average Dunwoody home. It will be up to the voters to decide whether we want to fund additional parks infrastructure investment or maintain the status quo.

Next month I'll travel to Eatonton, Georgia (in Putnam County) to represent Dunwoody at the joint Georgia Municipal Association/ACCG Revenue and Finance policy committee meeting. The primary goal of this meeting is to develop the tax, revenue and finance priorities for cities and counties in the next Georgia General Assembly session. Tax reform is sure to be high on the list of priorities. I am sure it will be a lively session!

It's hard to believe but DeKalb County schools start again soon on August 8. Remember to drive carefully in school zones and obey the reduced speed limits. Watch out for walkers and bikers. Good luck to everyone as we begin a new school year.



1 comment:

  1. Of course I can't be sure, but there was a lot of "talk" from certain council folks and area "pundits" that the whole 4.35 mils was coming at us, in spite of others asserting that the whole weight wouldn't fall on Dunwoody.

    We didn't "dodge a bullet" we just suffered from over-hyping by the "no tax increase" crowd.
