Monday, October 10, 2011

Possible Walking Path to Dunwoody Elementary School?

Proposed Walking Path to Dunwoody Elementary

Village North Court is a dead end street that ends on the edge of Georgia Perimeter College property and it sits directly behind Dunwoody Elementary School. At the Town & Gown meeting that took place last week between the City and the College, numerous traffic items were discussed and I pitched an idea whereby Village North Court could be extended for pedestrian and bicycle traffic into the back of Dunwoody Elementary School and thereby tie into Womack.

The GPC property line includes a block of land directly between DES and the neighborhood therefore an easement would be needed from the college in order to make this a reality. A number of possible paths were discussed (various colors) but an engineering study and lawyers would have to get involved before this goes any further.

Every little connection and every walking path improved opens our everyday transportation options whereby one less child might be forced to be driven to school and there would be at least one less car on Womack Road.


  1. John, great idea, but consider public safety for this kind of project. The Womack-to-Vanderlyn trail is getting a reputation as a great place to smoke... you know. The same is true for the back forty of our passive park.

  2. On a note related to DES's transportation...
